Detroit in ruins

Funny, because all I think of is this:

this guy is such a huge douche bag I loled.

yeah, he could give dane cook a good run for king of the d-bags.

I’ve said it many times tho, break the unions save the country

Many of those scenes look like areas of Buffalo.

Its coming.

Niagara falls pre casino looked alot like this.

Surprising how legal gambling really picks things up.
I think we need more casinos, like about 50 of them, turn this place into the new vegas. Casinos create jobs, lots of them.

Batavia Downs has been sustaining that part of Batavia for ages and right around there now, there’s a ton of new retail development.

Legalize gambling, prostitution and weed…* suicide, murder, and unemployment would go down like crazy I bet.

*ellipsis added for obvious reasons.

Of course if murder was legal unemployment would go down. If I lost my job I’d just kill someone who did the same thing as me and apply for their job! :wink:

murder can stay illegal, but weed and hookers would be a good start

without unions, the workers get screwed, with them the company gets screwed.

it’s all a game of checks and balances.

Really? I’m not in a union and I’m not being screwed by my company. I’m sure most of us here on NYSpeed are non-union and wouldn’t say we’re being screwed by our employers.

No union here

With minimum wage restrictions and the newly proposed healthcare changes, I find it hard to believe that anyone is going to be getting screwed to the point of it being a real issue. They certainly won’t make a ton of money, but what do they expect?

Maybe if you are finding that unskilled blue-collar labor doesn’t pay well enough to support your lifestyle, you should get a 2nd job or get skilled in something, and move on.

I think it’s bullshit that fucking factory workers get paid as much as they do.

it more applies to manufacturing and I’m not pro-union… but I do know why they were created and what they made possible. without being in a union many of us get the benefits they created without even realizing it.

There was a place for unions when you were expected to work at a machine that would likely kill you before retirement. That time as passed though and it’s time for unions to be sent away with a “thanks, but we’ll take it from here”.

I have no problem with that, but you have to replace it with something. It’s the threat of unionization that gives employees good benefits and wages, something must replace that.

Detroit has a bunch of Casino’s
2 brand new ones (MGM and Motor City) and 1 recently renovated with a new hotel (Greektown).

They have also had the superbowl, the final 4, Stanley Cup, NBA Championship and World Series all played here within the past four years. The North American Autoshow also is here for two weeks every year. That kind of traffic usually spruces up a city.

Totally agree with the points brought up by the video. But thats greed for ya. All of us do it in one way, shape or form.

True, without the unions, we wouldn’t have jobs that offered health care and benefit packages, as they started that to compete with the unions. I am not anti-union, but when they get to the point that is it like the UAW, it’s time to go clean slate and rewrite some company policies.

lol @ the packs of fresh syringes.

Too bad we don’t have those huge fires that use to burn down entire cities back in the day. Just like a forest fire cleanses it of dead wood so new trees can grow…

And even if new cities didnt grow back. At least we would have some more empty space.