Dever, CO Legalizes the Mary Jane

doesnt effect me, i quit smoking weed a while ago because it just wasnt fun anymore…i could see it being good for people who dont smoke all day everyday…but there are the immature people who just smoke too much and become “a bump on a log” and serve no purpose in life…
if it were on sale at the state store i could see myself grabbing some while picking up liquor every now and then

The government didn’t brainwash anybody. I believe it is your upbringing and a whole bunch of factors that contribute to the choices you make with your own life.

I chose to not smoke weed. Nobody told me not to. It just isn’t something I have had a desire to try.

thats my .02

yes b/c if it becomes legal we will give it to our Soilders, who defend this country, and they will be come fat and lazy. b/c the fat ass dumb shits that sit at home now and dont do a damn thing all day dont defend this country, and never will, im sorry but ur statement is extremely how do u say, STUPID

well one thing is, if its legal, stores will start selling it more and more, like state stores, which means, ppl going in there to buy it, it gettin taxed, then why go to the middle man??? why go to a dealer? this could if it became a nation wide legalization of Mary Jane. then all states have it, sell it from state stores, which cuts down on drug dealers selling weed, yes u will still have em dealing crack and shit, but still less drug dealers

I thought it was legalized for medical purposes. meaning you need a perscription and a pharmacist that will give it to you.


I am not brain washed but I do what wastes my friends became because they smoke weed. it is a gateway drug and only leads to worse. I can say that I don’t know anyone that ever did coke, pills, heroin, etc that didn’t smoke weed on a regular basis before starting that stuff.

not only that but have you ever seen an CT scan of someone who smokes a lot of weed? that goes back to what I said about people being wastes.

burnout stereo type is true. a stereotype can only become that if there are enough examples to back up the statement

yeah because we all know crack heads have real jobs right? how the fuck do you think some of them get money for crack? they either steal or sell other drugs

No, they just steal. Any drugs would be consumed personally by most crack heads.

Have you ever seen how alcoholism changes multiple organs?

I have never tried weed, and to be honest I kind of regret that. If the people you are referring to as “burnouts” didn’t have weed, they would have something else in their life, be it other substances or even TV or video games, which they would waste their life on.

I know multiple people who have not gone on to use worse drugs than weed. I also know of lots of people that did just go straight to coke or even worse.

And how many examples does it take to become a stereotype?

seen too much of the same myself to think its acceptable to smoke weed alot…every once in a while isnt bad if its kept at that.

i dont think anyone who has smoked is brainwashed to think of it poorly just because they choose not to do it anymore…

not true. i have many friends that when they have become clean they are totally different people and they do not become wastes again until they start smoking weed again…(in some cases the weed leads them back into other drugs)

No, it is true. You are missing what I am saying. If they did not go back to weed, they would have abused something else. Do some research on personality types and you will see.

And if we accept what you are saying, then we should also ban any sort of tobacco since people’s personalities change when they use those as well. Ever see the physiological changes that people go through when they smoke?

It’s the double standard that I have the problem with - anything you can say negative about weed you can say about tons of legal substances. There’s people who drink and then clean up and then fall apart when they stop drinking.

We all should know that moderation is the key in everything. Those who don’t know that will never know that.

half of denver is high right now

i didn’t say anything about the army. the young people will self destruct because they are immature. the future is our young. besides, keepin it illegal keeps the boarderline people from doing it, those worried about the law. those who really wanna smoke, drive drunk, murder are gonna do it regardless if its legal or not. They say “how do you something won’t work till you try it” well sometimes you just know… you don’t see people eatin shit …do ya?

:gives: people are going to do whatever they want… all those people that smoke weed do so b/c they choose to right? People will do whatever the fuck they want to do regardless of what the “law” is in your town, country whatever.
Why shouldn’t tax paying citizens benefit from the tax revenue that government controlled marijuana would bring in? Fuck it, legalize everything, free all the prisoners that have strictly drug-related penalties and tax all forms of drugs forcing all the dealers to have to find new ways to make money… the strong survive and the weak parish


made more accurate

I had to write a paper on this a few semesters ago. During my research, I found out that pot is about the same as alcohol as far as damage to the body and the “high” that you get. What is different is now weed is more of a gateway to more dangerous drugs because it has been illegal for all these years. If weed was legal when alcohol was made legal, everything would be fine.

I have never tried weed and will never try it so I really could give a rats ass if they legalize it or not. I do know that I will beat my kids ass if they ever try it, and I catch them though.

i agree with the damage to the body but i think alcohol messes u up more when it comes to the “high” and therefore causes alot more dangerous shit to come from it, along with more “fun”

i wanted to bring up this point to those of you that have kids. You can say all you want that “when i have kids they can smoke weed” but unless you have them now the statement is bogus. Me, i’m not worried about what i want, its about whats it gonna be like for kids if i have them. I’m not gonna think selfish like “oohhh weed is legal and now i can go get smoked out” Even thou its my life , my wants are only part of it.