Dever, CO Legalizes the Mary Jane

ive tried weed before. do i like it? fuck no im very perinoid when i do it and i shut everyone out. honostly i found this topic intresting considering it has been an issue for years. i could of sworn they banned legal mary jane a while back. i wonder who is going to be the first person to get caught for stoned in public.

Residents of Denver have voted to legalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana for adults. Authorities, however, can still file state drug charges against offenders.
i don’t get that part. does that mean you can have and not do anything with it? Just because they legalize possesion if you are a working professional you are still gonna hve to pass and conform to company’s drug policy. You can have port authority workers, policemen, fireman or just about any other public service job and be under the influence. Now that i start to look at it, its only a small victory for the dirtbags who otherwise aren;'t productive with their life anyway.

ROFL! :rofl: @ the un-pot-educated



bill gates was a pothead, look most are using his pot head dreams right now.
most music is inspried by drugs or alcohol, you guys are lame :stick:

and for the record i don’t do drugs and hardly drink anymore

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
my grandma doesnt do drugs either, she a hardcore user of darvocettes :wink:
( vicodin/percocette ) prescribed :eek:

i posted that b/c i didn’t want the anti-legalization people to think that the only reason i wanted it legalized is b/c i do it

ahhh who cares what they think

"Even though voters approved Initiative 100, Denver police still will bring charges under state law, which carries a fine of up to $100 and a mandatory $100 drug-offender surcharge for possession of small amounts of marijuana, said Attorney General John Suthers. "

The basic distilling of alcoholic spirits?
Illegal, unless you pay the taxes on it and have their special permits.

Private Biodiesel brewing for using in vehicles on public roads?
Illegal, unless you pay road taxes on it.

Growing your own pot? Illegal.

Anyone wanna guess if you can grow your own when they legalize it without paying the pot tax?

Look at what your fine government is trying to do with biodiesel. If you can make it yourself, they want to stop you and make you use their taxed up inferior version to keep you “in the system”.

Same with pot, because it can be grown in a house plant potter and with a little TLC it produces good bud.

At any rate, decriminalizing simple possession of MJ (possession without intent to distribute) would be a nice victory.

And: does anyone know any casual heroin users? I don’t. But I do hear there are some people who will smoke opium very infrequently and really do enjoy it without ever becoming any kind of a “fiend”.


my mom thinks it should be legalized. she blazes everynight like its nothing. she then goes to bed though, she doesnt try to function. i was on vaca down there (she lives in TX) and walked in her bathroom and it was fuckin hotboxed lol.

I on the otherhand dont touch it, unless Im drunk as hell and dont give a fuck. I say its ok to use in moderation but 95% of potsmokers dont use it that way. Personally I hate when someone comes into work and tries to talk to me when you can tell they are stoned.


yeah, i know that all of the “deadbeat pothead” friends I have would be well on their way to being surgeons and lawyers now if it wasnt for their crippling addiction to pot. :rofl: ever think that those kind of people are naturally drawn to pot? And would have been deadbeat losers even without the pot?

and as far as pot being a gateway drug. You are right. It is. But only because its illegality drives people to the black market to purchase it. To get weed, you have to go to a drug dealer. Drug dealers many times have other drugs/hang around people that do. If you could buy pot at the gas station, you wouldnt have to be around these people. Therefore you wouldnt come in contact with these harder drugs. Shit, it just so happens that my connections are all extremely straight people and I can honestly say that I wouldnt know the first person to ask to get some blow or smack. Therefore I dont really even think about it. But I can tell you that if it was around, I’d be much more likely to indulge or think about indulging.

Alcohol = the ultimate gateway drug

all of your musical idols were huge fucking potheads

you people dont get it. The people that smoke pot that you know about/make it obvious are the VAST minority. Most casual pot smokers are normal, successful people. But in all reality its not a big deal. If someone comes home from work at night and puts away 2-3 beers, its not a big deal. But if someone comes home from work and rolls a joint he’s a miscrient who should be locked up in jail. Because he smokes a harmless plant instead of drinking lethal poison. The only reason that its made a deal of because its illegal, which is only because of campaign finance donations and the fear of politicians to look soft on crime.

If we legalized marijuana, the prison overcrowding situation would immediately evaporate. We’d save billions that way and make billions on the taxation. hundreds of thousands of man hours would be saved and cops could concentrate on real crime. Hundreds of thousands of drug dealers would be instantly put out of business. Hardcore drug pushers would lose shitloads of money. It would be a huge blow to organized crime.

look at all the positives, and then look at the negatives: kids smoke it and become lazy and hungry.


hey are their any tickets left to this world you live in?

mike is exactly right, the only gateway is wrong drug dealers that push thier “other” products such as herion/crack/pcp. Just got to weed out -no pun intended- them dealers :rofl:

when was the last night you heard of someone killing another motorist while stoned “marijuana” not other crappy drugs.
I want to see articles !!!
only thing happens is your relaxed is think the 40mph speed limit is way to excessive. your well in depth about the road conditions and obey every law abiding thing:kekegay:

  • Michael Bloomfield - New York City Mayor
    Mr. Bloomberg is the mayor of the most populated city in the United Sates. He new the media would pick it up and run with it. Its just his suttle way of saying - its time. A journalist asked Mr Bloomberg if he had ever smoked marijuana.
    He Said:

“You bet i did and i enjoyed it”
Full Text N.O.R.M.L.

  • Dan Quayle - Former U.S. Vice President

“Congress Should definitely consider decriminalizing possession of marijuana. We should concentrate on prosecuting the rapist and burglars who are a menace to society.”

  • Jimmy Carter - Former U.S. President

“Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself, and where they are they should be changed.”

  • Louis Armstrong - Music Legend

“It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with narcotics dope and all of that stuff. It is a thousand times better than whiskey. It is an assistant and a friend.”

  • Dog8mybag - regular guy

“When you leave home with one lighter and come home with three the road trip to your friends was a good one.”

  • Willie Nelson - Country Musician

“The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.”

  • Stephen King - Author

" I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry. It would be wonderful for the state of Maine. There’s some pretty good homegrown dope. I’m sure it would be even better if you could grow it with fertilizers and have greenhouses. "

  • DEA Judge Francis Young

“…marijuana is one of the safest, therapeutically active substances known to man.”

  • Biblical - Genesis 1:29

“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”

  • Bill Clinton - Former U.S. President

“When I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn’t like it. I didn’t inhale.”
I understand Bill, I dont inhale either

  • Spliff Jenkins - Stoner

“If it itches… scratch it.”

  • Harry S. Truman - Former U.S. President

“When even one American who has done nothing wrong is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril.”

spoken like a true pot head :kekegay:

If it doesn’t affect yoru judgment or reaction why do you think 40 MPH is too fast due to how relaxed you are?