Diamond People

I have a 3 stone diamond ring in white gold I got back from my ex girlfriend and curious what to do with it. I got it from Jared in December for about $500 after tax and insurance. I can not return it there and do not have the reciept.

I want cash for it so where are some good places to get rid of it? Should I get it appraised somewhere and get it in writing before selling it online? How do I prove what and where it came from to sell to someone?


The arm and a leg guy? And since december golds been pretty steady it might be worth more maybe. Or just goto some place that designs/makes jewlery and see if they might wanna buy it.

oh god… maybe PM Viper, lol.

DO NOT go to airport plaza jewlers. they will give you shit money for your diamond ring. i went their once and will never go their again. (spelling)

Ya I heard the gold buying places suck. LOL.

I just am curious if I can get it verified by something so if I sell it online, I can prove it is what it is like the size and clarity.

gold buyers buy on material value… gold is $X per gram… 10k gold is not all gold, it’s only 33% gold so you only get the Value of gold x .333 x ounce or gram or whatever the fuck.

for $500 you didnt get much of a ring. Teh actual value fo the 10k, which it must be at that price, is like $40 or something…and the diamonds are probably SI or lower…

to be honest, you’re going to sit on the thing for a long ass time if you’re trying to get good money for it.

i suggest you melt it down and reuse the gold / diamonds for something for yourself.

Ya nothing big. Its not an engagement ring or anything. I think it was like 400 + tax + insurance so if I make 300 back on it i would be amazed unless I some how can transfer the insurance that cleans and checks the diamons every 6 months and protects it if one is lost.



sell it on ebay or CL, you aren’t getting any money out of that thing.

I would but how do I prove what it is? Like personally, you look at it. How does a average joe know its real diamonds and a certain k white gold and not a cheap plastic rock and silver?

nhot your problem is it?

get a cert if you don’t have one, but for most decent certifications, you’ll pay more than the stone is worth.

thats up to the buyer to figure out. Jewelry is ridiculously overpriced at retail, so resale sucks.

Keep it for the next gf? lmao

on second thought, whip up a certificate in photoshop. I can’t imagine how it can be illegal to “forge” a certificate.


thats what i’d do. you’re not gonna get what you want from that ring

You’re throwing in the towel with dating?not going to give another woman a ring? I think keeping it for the next gal would be the smartest thing to do if you’re not in desperate need of cash.

Its like the gift that keeps on giving.

Well ever since I gave my ex this ring, the thing went down hill and just random shit popped up. This was the first and last ring I buy unless its a engagement which probably wont happen anytime in the next 10 years so I will just take anything i can get for it and blow it on something.

I will give you $50.


The douchebag offered me $400 for a watch band worth $4,000.
I damn near assaulted him. He might fit in the auto trader section, seeing all the lowballs that take place. :wink:

have you considered going back to where you got it for a copy of the receipt?