best way to get something back on an engagement ring

I was engaged like two or three years ago and it didnt work out. I have been sitting on thousands of dollars worth of platinum and diamond engagement ring.

Does anybody know any way to get a decent amount of it back, usually diamonds go up in value 10% every year or so i am told. The best way would probably get somebody to break the diamond up from the setting and sell them individually.

Any suggestions guys, I don’t need the money, I was just looking through some old stuff sorting stuff and found the paperwork on it so it reminded me of it.

yo0u will never get your money back… an ex of mine was engaged and never got money from her ring that i know of… just save it for the next chick thats the only way i would say… even though that so sounds not right at all

I forget the TV show but they did an episode about giving an engagement ring to one girl, then another who turned out to be his wife. and she was pissed when she found out years later.

If you bought it from one of the big chain jewelry sotres you could probably take it back there and get credit toward something else. Of course I think they usually make you buy something more expensive but you could at least get something that is not connected to something negative.

if you don’t need the money, give it to me.

anything owned by zales has a 90 day instore credit only… such as piercing pagoda/zales/(gordan’s i think… ) but if its been a few years you pretty much are SOL. ebay… but it wont do shit on there because people dont know if your getting a diamond or junk glass

stick it in the paper…I bought my ring the a its a 1 carat princess cut in platinum. i paid 200 bucks for it… whats it look like?

you better hope the wifey doesn’t see this post. :rofl:

maybe craigslist or a pawn shop but definatly dont give to the next girl and tell her. thats suicide.

fuck i wouldnt pass that shit up if i was single and she knows… beats going to the store and paying 3-4 k for it instead… ill be cheap with the bling bling…I do want to get a new setting for it though

personally, knowing the girl that he ALMOST got married to… I’d keep it on a chain around my chest to remind me on a constant basis how lucky he is not to be married to her.

nevermind. west virginia. sometimes I forget. :embarassd

like PA is better

it’s from bluenile, just looked on bluenile the same ring now would be something like 5100.

The exact same setting now is $1500, I need to find a jeweler that will split it up and sell the diamond loose and the setting separate.

maybe check to see if any of the diamond stores in the clark building buy diamonds


how about you wear the ring on your pinky, and bitch slap your x. give her the pimp hand.

“Everybody Loves Raymond” …


I can give you the name of a forum where you can try to sell the ring, or even the setting and diamond seperate. Let me find the forum and I will post it here. Splitting it up may not get you more money as apposed to selling it as is.
You could post it there, under the jewelry classified section. You may want to have the ring appraised and get a report of it to show potential buyers, this will give you a better idea of what it is worth. Also, if it’s a certified diamond you can show people the lab report that came with the diamond when you bought it.