Did this section die?

Seems like nobody posts anymore… What? Did you guys put away your cars for winter already :frowning:

Yes, and I’m not even in the same time zone as my car :smiley:

Hey, I’m adding new threads all over the map, trying to get some people to post and get some discussion going!

Ok will do, new thread time!! (again…)

no, work is hectic :stuck_out_tongue:

but update on my car i suppose … she’s getting tuned this week, see how things go and hopefully she doesn’t blow up in the process.

ugh dont say that… i had that happen to my old civic… guy who tuned it (altech) cracked my block and melted my pistons due to poor tuning and knowlage. yet dident take the blame for it… but at least hopefullyyou havesomone who knows what they are doing. :smiley: good luck

take some vids. always good to see vids of dyno etc.

sigh…winter is so depressing… :frowning: have to tuck her in soon :frowning:

you could always try mounting some blizzaks on and running it in winter :slight_smile: i’ve seen a couple 350’z in toronto do that, not too sure how well it sticks, but i think it’s possible if you’re very very careful

nah, sucks the fun out of the Z, plus I’d rather driving something safer seeing as how I have a corolla to drive during the winter time.

not to mention it helps with the resale value of the car :slight_smile:

there’s no such thing as resale on a 350z, you must keep her forever :slight_smile:

Agreed! I’m holding on to my car with the death grip of a high school girlfriend.

^^ Sig worthy:R hope you don’t mind!!

oh gawd, high school girls … naive yes, but oh so clingy :stuck_out_tongue:

Please, be my guest. I’m honoured! :smiley:

haha, so true, not really thinking about resaling it. But at least the option is there if for some god forbid reason I had to.

I love my car too much! :slight_smile: How can such an evil money pit get so much love from me! haha.

wait till you decide to go forced induction … the money pit turns into a money abyss … :S

i’m too broke for FI, so it’s not even an option for me lol. I’ll stay with the Pit instead of the Abyss haha.

Word. My goal is to keep this car NA (maybe some breather mods down the road)… and save up for a used Z32 Twin Turbo instead. :R

my goals are mainly cosmetic. The car goes plenty fast for me, just need it to stand out from the rest of the Z’s out there :smiley:

oh, there’s plenty of ways to stand out … neon glow for example :smiley:

haha, I want to stand out in a “good” way. not in a F&F way! And you forgot to mention the ever impressing and power gaining stickers! :smiley: