Did you do this in college?

Well I didn’t wait until the last minute for stuff, sometimes I would just get things done ahead of time, but I would just not spend a ton of time on stuff. Some kids would stress out just because a prof. assigned an essay and they would go balistic and start researching and doing all of this work to make their essays really long and “professional”. But the whole point of the assignment was to show what you had learned in class and usually you could tell how the prof. wanted the paper to be set up, so as long as you made sense in your paper and presented the information the way the prof. wanted it, there was no reason for research and all of that junk. People would spend twice the amount of time that I did on a paper and then get pissed when I got a higher grade (I tended to be the curve buster) but if you just do the minimum amount of work but present it correctly, you will always save time and get a good grade.