Did You Vote Today

Nope, but only because I was watching the polls close enough that I knew McCain was going to take NY easily. Since the Republicans are winner take all it really didn’t matter if he won by an extra vote. :slight_smile:

Independent as well, wtf

Why would anyone register as independent? So you can vote in the independent primary :bloated:?

Register with a party that generally lines up with your ideals and at least you get a say in who runs. When the actual election comes around you can vote for either side.

So the real question for dems is, if Hillary takes the delegation count, who will you vote for?

I certainly wouldn’t vote for Clinton, even if I was a dem. I’d die before that.

you stop it, with all your logic, and stuff.

i vote in elections not primaries, esp when i’ll prob just vote 3rd party during the election anyways…

ny will go dem no matter what, so i throw my vote to a third party every time

ususally green, not cause i agree, just cause i want to grow third party support

If you’re a democrat you’ll vote for her, because she’s far closer to your ideals than the guy on the other side of the isle.

It’s the same as the dumbass neo-cons saying if McCain wins the nomination they’ll vote for Hillary. BULLSHIT. McCain may not be as far right as they’d like, but he’s a hell of a lot farther right than Hillary or Obama.

Huckabee was asked about that (the neo-cons saying they’ll vote Hillary if McCain gets the nod) this morning on CNN and I was very impressed with his response. He basically cut the interviewer off and angrily said, “Then they’re not true conservatives”. The way he said it, with that fire in his eyes and voice really impressed me since was basically bitch slapping far right talk radio, who have lost touch with the real Republicans.

And this is exactly why all you Howard Dean fans didn’t get to vote for Howard Dean for president, and ended up with that turd sandwich Kerry on the ticket.

It’s also why all you far left young liberals are going to end up with Hillary not Obama.

But then you’ll have the nerve to bitch during the general election that, “I didn’t want either of these people”.

And it’s not hypocritcal of me to say this even though I didn’t vote yesterday. My party had already clearly decided on who was going to win NY, and since my party uses a winner takes all system big wins or close loses mean nothing. In the Democrat system every vote helps your candidate, even if they lose the overall vote.

And this is exactly why all you Howard Dean fans didn’t get to vote for Howard Dean for president, and ended up with that turd sandwich Kerry on the ticket.

It’s also why all your far lefty young liberals are going to end up with Hillary not Obama.

But then you’ll have the nerve to bitch during the general election that, “I didn’t want either of these people”.

lol, you though hillary would lose ny?

why would i vote in the primary?

ny will always go dem

Yes, NY is always Dem, but you don’t care if it is Hillary or Barack? Assuming you’re swinging for the Dems.

:word: x1032156

i want obama

but hillary is more electable than a black man IMO

in great u s of a racism > sexism, sadly

so long as a dem gets in the white house i could care less

as a matter of fact i like mcain too, he is socially very liberal, i just doubt his fiscal conservatism

we’ll see

ahh i love politics :gay:


yeah, thats accurate, dem woman actually hold positions of power, republican women bitch

if you wanted to make a celeb sheet it could be filled with hot dem models, most celebs are dem

either way shit like that is just stupid

where’s condi?

If your independant its easy to reregister as a dem/rep for the next election. I was a registered independant back when they signed us up for elections in HS. I recently changed so I could vote in primaries.

Then you should be voting in the primary. Obama’s goal was 40% in NY, so even he knew he was going to lose. But 40% gets him a big chuck of NY delegates.

probably because democrats can be just as bad as republicans,I rather vote depended on person and not party. The real question is why everyone cannot vote in primaries like other states

by the time i was going to switch to demo just to vote in the primaries the deadline was over

Okay, but:

by the time i was going to switch to demo just to vote in the primaries the deadline was over

Contradiction in values, much?

In states where you know the outcome, one party could rally their members to vote in the other party’s primary. For example, suppose McCain locks up the nomination. The republicans could send out their voters in droves to vote for Hillary, if they think she is more beatable.

Damn right I voted. For the first time, really ever, if you’re a democrat in almost any state in the country your vote ACTUALLY MATTERS this year