Didn't go to driving school


that matters :slight_smile: :tup:

the no phone thing does not work you know why …if you are fucking poor you tell the phone company fill out the paper work and you get a “life line” or a real cheep phone plan and its real cheep… so your not getting anything here…

im done with this…going home from my JOB

what the fuck is this mess


and everyone knows this?

so the whole everyone knows everything dont work.
and how do i tell then with no fone or vehicle.

dude, no job, no fucking phone, taking out a fucking loan for $150!!!

how much did you spend on your wing? or your shitty body kit? or your gay eye liner? you’re priorities are fucked.

if you can’t afford a phone, or even have $150 to your name, you shouldn’t own a car, let alone a modified one…fucking idiot.

kill yourself now so in the future my tax dollars won’t have to feed your poor ass.

I had a steady job that I wouldnt get fired at for 2 and a half years thats why I spent that money if I wouldv’e known I wouldv’e needed it maybe I wouldv’e saved it.
Every single person on this site always has had a job since they where born till they die.
And having a job and not starting are two different things.I have a job,I haven’t started it.

So why don’t you come kill me then we will both win,I’ll be dead to save your tax money and you can go to jail.Sound good?

b4 you post something learn to read.

like i said, your priorities are fucked. no matter how secure your job situation is, no matter how many backup plans you may have…always save…always have a financial cushion…living paycheck to paycheck is something we all probably did before we had obligations…but when you have a car, or any kind of steady bill, it’s time to grow up and realize that shit can go wrong, and if/when it does, you need to be prepared.

i usually don’t jump on the hate bandwagon because people on here do a good enough of a job telling n00b’s when they really do suck at life…but in your case, you can’t hear it enough…

you suck at life.

I live with my dad and had a job with my gf’s dad,doesn’t seem to need to save much there.And when shit went wrong I was able to get paid in advance.I used all of my money that I had left saved.

And does that mean we have a deal?

what was you’re previous job?

Maybe you should:
skip focusing on your car for a while.
pay your fines
work at your stupid sears car job
pay your insurance
save the money not spent on insurance
sign up for college to start in September
get a degree while working part time
get a real job
& then mod your shitty neon.

Agreed 100%

To the OP: How stupid are you? No phone? Use your fucking neighbor’s phone. Don’t you have a house line?

Call the fucking court and get things postponed. If you tell them you just started a new job they will understand. You’d have to be a fucking retard to skip the point reduction class. Probably $50 for the ticket, and $35 for school. Take the class, get the points removed, and you will also get a 10% to 15% reduction on your insurance for three years. Or you can be stupid and skip the class, get points, and have your insurance rates go through the roof.

Cut your hair, take off the make up, take a shower, and get on the short bus and go to the court if you don’t have a phone, and apparantly nobody around you has a phone you can use.

You can get a ride to work but not to court?

Maybe i did stop paying for car shit,actually I sold what I could off my car.
I have to know what theyre doing with the fines on th 18th.
What job of yours is so great?opnionated ofcourse.
I will pay my insurance.
I already was going to save some money.
I already signed up for ECC.
And I will be modding my new neon when I can.And do you really think I would mod a car I thought was shit?Cause I doubt your calling ti shit is going to make me change that.

Stop making excuses up not to call
Find quarter
Use pay phone


Smartness doesn’t buy phones does it?I don’t know any of my neighbors,and no I dont have a landline.My brother doesnt get home till 5:30pm and I try using his phone but most places are closed.

I take showers probably more then you,sometimes twice a day,and yes I use soap and I’m sure I use better shampoo/conditioner then you.
The abbot bus goes right to the mall,my brother can probably give me a ride
to court but I’ll be late,luckly in this case theres always a line.
Just cause 98% of you are to lazy to try to do things doesn’t mean some of us aren’t incapable of doing things for certain reasons.

I asked what happened when any of you missed a class,and you all turned it into more and am telling me to go to court despite the fact that I already was going to.

Did you not read the part that said I tried to use the payphone but it was broke??

So stop trying to act cool and make fun of me cause ur only doing it to urself for being to stupid to read.

Good, im glad you stopped putting money into that bucket.
Save that money for your fines.
Goto a pay phone.
(theres more than one in the world.)

I don’t have a job, i was laid off.
It was a part time job…
& I have 14k that i saved too hold me over in all of my Bills till i find a new one.
(Internet, Phone, TV, Heat, Electricity)

How are you signed up for ECC?
College costs MONEY, and OBVIOUSLY you have NONE.

And you can put money into that piece of trash if you want.
Just realize as long as you continue to do so, everyone here will continue too call you stupid, retarded, and rip on you for posting stupid fucking videos of you fake drifting in a neon.

You also avoided answering what your previous job was.

Fuzzy, don’t forget that the only pay phone in the world he has access to is broken. None of his neighbors or friends (if he has friends) has a phone.

OP: Sell that race car, get a bus pass, and go to school before you put it into a wall trying to “drift” (although I’m sure everyone would want to see you putting it into a wall).

ever hear of fafsa?
my previous job was for a moving company.
And answer me why it should matter to me what these people say?

he doesn’t have friends. :gay2: