ROFL. Glaze over the entire thread and latch onto that.
And as an aside…I swear there is no possible way this OP can be real. I think it’s Smaef.
ROFL. Glaze over the entire thread and latch onto that.
And as an aside…I swear there is no possible way this OP can be real. I think it’s Smaef.
Not true, went to school with him.
Not only is this truly sad, but it’s also a perfect example of a person who would be well-served by joining the military for a couple of years.
LOL. Him. You seem to have things relatively together from what little I know about you.
That kid…fucking trainwreck. I wouldn’t even know where to start other than defining the word “priority” for him.
it’s Beck…
no, ive met this guy, bought the wing from him, he is real
that doesn’t help matters any. You’re another one I have my doubts about (and no, not just because of the wing purchase).
the wings for my beater i use it to make fun of ricers,
I think they’d give you creativity points if you tried smoke signals.
Now go set your house on fire and get started. I’ll watch the 6pm news to see how it goes.
hahaha thats what i thought too but this seems to be a real person.
then i’m out of ideas…unless it’s Cuban…
GREAT! then maybe you’ll meet the first goal you ever set for yourself in life.