Diesel Help!

I have a 05 chevy 2500hd duramax diesel only has 20k on it, the problem im having is the check engine light kicked on and when i hit the gas it just revs up and wont go past 60mph. The check light will go off for like 2 minutes then it comes back on and when iam driving takes for ever to get up to 60mph and won’t go pass that no matter how hard i hit the gas it just revs up any ideas.

oh yeah went to advance auto and autozone to get a check engine light read and they both said nothing!

you have changed you’re fuel filter with every oil change?

you know there is this thing called a warranty.

change your fuel filter. with duramax you have to change the filters at EVERY oil change or you will have what you described. just make sure you prime the filter properly before you try to start it.

Which is awesome. It is 2009

yeah it only had a 3 year. and thanks ill change the fuel filter see how that goes i dout the person before me did that.

Sounds like a safe mode thing.
Could be because of the filter… but the CEL might lead me to think something else.

on a diesel a clogged fuel filer is the same as not pressing opening the throttle plate on a gas engine. Keep in mind that diesels don’t have a throttle plate and they regulate power by the amount of fuel they inject.


I know. :wink:

Mine gets like that when I haven’t changed the Fuel Filter. It’s super easy to change, just a screw-on in the engine bay like an oil filter. Mine never throws a CEL for it though. Try the filter first though. I have an 2003, 2500HD Duramax LB7. I change it with every oil change, about 12K.

his might be super old, but that part is throwing me.