digital camera???

so my old canon s40 4mp camera decided to shit the bed. It takes forever to focus and the images are all jacked up. It was a great camera for the past 5 years, but it’s time for an upgrade.

I take a good bit of my pics indoors with minimal light but the wife wants an ultra compact camera. I was looking at the Fuji F50FD, it is a new model that comes out in a few days. It’s 12MP 3x zoom and supposedly Fuji has the best low light camera’s, is this true? I like Canon, but the reviews are not that great for low light applications.
What about the panasonic, olympus, etc…, are they decent?

I have a Panasonic “Lumix” LZ5. I like it.

Low light and p&s don’t go well together, unless its a higher end p&s.

my sony t1 takes amazing pictures for a point and shoot in daylight. its about the size of a credit card. but it’s either i do not know how to use the flash or the flash sucks :dunno:

badass little camera in day light or in a pitch black night club. I beat the shit out of the thing and it works great.

go up to walmart and test drive the cameras

sounds like your not looking for something crazy. I’ve seen some desent ones at walmart

I will never buy another Sony product, but I do hear they are nice camera’s.

I know low light and p&s camera’s do not go well together, but I need the best option. I only have experience with canon camera’s, and the indoor shots with my old s40 are not that great. I take a lot of pics of my kids and print them out at 8x10’s and want to be able to print some of the indoor shots instead of just beach shots under full sun.

I would like to keep the price around 300 or so but would go higher if the camera actually fit all of my needs.

I hate shopping around for shit. :smiley:

same here. camera is awesome.