Digital SLR cameras

I’m looking to buy one under or close to $700

these are the ones I’ve been looking at… I’m new to cameras so all you camera guys out there your help is much appreciated.




so far I am thinking 3 but idk…

any other suggestions? I’m new to photography but serious too.

if your new i wouldn’t get anything too serious or too weak…i’ve done regular film photography all the way down to rolling my own film and developing it in a darkroom…photography is fun. If your going digital i would go with the rebel…i’ve used it and sold plenty of them and they have a damn good reputation. hayabusa can probably chime in on this thread also

This is going to be long but worth it in the end.

I’d stay away from the olympus because they don’t seem to have as much backing as Nikon or Canon if you do get serious about it. You also might wanna check out the Nikon d50, I left the d40 out for a reason.

How serious are you going to be about this because lenses can get quite expensive. Quality glass (lenses) are going to cost you. Typically your going to be spending atleast $500 for a decent new lens. If you do go the Canon route once you use a L glass lense, one with a red ring near the focus ring, you’ll be hard pressed to go back to pro-sumer lenses. You’ll upgrade your body, but you’ll keep lenses forever.

Also it would be good to learn photoshop because pictures that come outta dslr’s aren’t processed like a p&s is.

I might suggest a high end p&s. They still have the manual controls that a dslr has but they don’t have interchangable lenses. If later on down the line you do decide you still want a dslr you could use the p&s as a back up because it does get very annoying carrying a dslr around.

If you have any questions just im me and I can help you pick out what camera would work best for you.

Goto and look at the prices of lenses. Different lenses for different situations.
