Dilema - school sport politics

Daughter signs up for middle school basketball. Her name is accidentally dropped off the list and never given to the coach, so she doesn’t get called for practice. I finally figure this out 1 day after he makes the cuts. They are trying to figure out what happened and will get back to me. If they come back and say too bad, should I let it go or raise hell?

Keep in mind that my kid will probably play sports for the next 6 years and they just appointed this athletic director, so I’ll be dealing with him in the future. I don’t want my kid labeled as the one with “problem parents”, but it sucks that she’s been playing for the last 4 years and now doesn’t even get to try out. She’s okay with it, but there’s another girl who’s phone number was mistyped, so she’s in the same boat and her parents want to go to the school board. I also don’t want her to be known as the kid who’s mom got her on the team.

For those of you who played sports, what would you have wanted you’re parents to do?

raise helll!!!

approch it tachtfully and take your husband. If they blow it off then rasie hell sue and send he to a different school :smiley:

fuck it be a bitch and they will never fuck with u again

hell hath no fury like a pissed off soccer mom’s scorn. Be tactful, but firm. If they blow you off, raise hell.

It was their fuck up, so they are responsible for fixing the situation.

interesting situation… are try outs over? if so I would kinda say its to late. if your daughter shows promise that she will be the all star I would say raise hell. if you think she will be average you might want to watch. if she gets there and she needs help the coach might not pay enough attention to her

I would simply ask for a fair tryout just like all the other girls got.

They already made the cuts. Her friend on the team (who is probably a better player at 12 than most of us) said she would have helped the team - I’m pretty sure she would have made the cut. I think it’s too late at this point, doesn’t seem right bumping someone that you told that they made the cut.

Found out 2 other girls didn’t get called because they weren’t on the list. Someone sucks at Excel!

I wouldn’t go in stomping around at first. I would go in with some polite tactics such as offering to help them straighten out a new process to make sure everyone gets a callback or a new way of helping people register their kids.

I would talk to the coach, is there a team member limit? It doesn’t seem right that if she makes the team that they would have to bump someone else off either. How long were tryouts, I’m assuming her friends were practicing and they didn’t tell her? Kind of sucks, but it looks like she missed the boat on this one and should just wait it out. I mean when I played high school/college football I knew everything that was going on. Maybe it’s a good lesson to her to pay more attention instead of waiting for someone to do something for her. Not that I’m trying to start a fight or anything cause I don’t know all the details. But from what I read it sounds like she was kind of waiting on you to tell her when to go to practice.

Just my .02

yea i wouldnt go in raising hell and making a fuss. go about it professionally and if they blow u off and treat u like nothing then i say u have reason to raise some hell. if they explain to u that it was there fault, but due to timing reasons and such she still cant try out for the team, just let it slide. there is always next year. like u said, she will be playing sports for that school for the next 6 years, u dont want her name on the coach’s “shit list” either for the remaining time she is there ya know?

it’s little girls basketball… its not a real sport… why cut at all?

put all the little girls on the team. i mean it’s not like college recruiters are coming to the games

Apparently, there are only 18 uniforms. I’m trying to find out what the WPIAL rule is for the number on the roster - anyone know how to find that out? Someone at work told me they though it was 23 - figuring that you want to keep as much interest as possible, so that by high school you still have a team.

fuck it go raise hell its your duaghter and you dont want the shit happening thou all school. GO RAISE HELL!!!

I’m a state high school referee and as far as I’m aware, there are no restrictions on the number of kids that you are allowed to have on a roster, no matter the sport… The WPIAL and PIAA moto is basically “everything is for the kids” although sometimes I beg to differ on that aspect… As with anything regarding High School sports, if you go to deal with the school board, it will become on BIG GAME of politics… Especially in the Belle Vernon school district, where football and sports have always been a very big deal, you might want to go in and like someone said and be “tactful and firm” and see what you can do with words to get her on the team, but if you cannot get her on by asking, tell her that sometimes life isn’t fair and to just try again next year and learn a lession from this problem… But like I said, you defenately do NOT want to become involved on the wrong side of the political fence with high school sports or your kid will never even smell the playing field again.

Apparently they didn’t put girls names on the call list who didn’t go to see the school physician for a physical, since “sometimes kids sign up who aren’t serious, but if they show up for the physical then they are serious about playing.”

Even though you could get a physical from your private physician like we did. Uh, okay…