what is the world comming to


Ha wow.

What does that teach your kids in life? If something is better than you, ban him and find a way around it?

Someone needs to go tell the parents that their kids just suck and to go play with barbies.

WOW that is retarded.

yea i couldnt believe that either… it just goes to show you that our population is getting dumber by the moment.

Poor spelling?

can he not move up into an older league? Shit like that has happened forever. there are always freshmen playing varsity due to skill, kids on u-15 teams moving up to u-17 soccer teams. I dunno.

weak :tdown:

+1. It’s a league for 8-10 year olds and the kid is already pitching 40+. Bump the kid up so he’s playing with other kids of similar skill level. At that age it’s supposed to be about fun not having some phenom pitcher. My boss’s kid is 8 going on 9 and I’m not sure I’d want her lining up against 40mph fastballs.

The part that sounds sketchy is the stuff about being asked to play for some other team and turning it down. Did the kid stay because he likes being so much better than the people he plays against? Are the problems vindictive by the owner of the other team? Definitely don’t have the whole story.

What does that have to do with anything? The team he turned down is at the same level and they were champs the previous year. If he went to that team then i could see this being asked.

Should be a no brainer to just bump the kid up.

fggtry at it’s finest