no more booing

they want to outlaw booing at highschool sporting event? if this goes it’ll make its ways across the country in a few years. What the fuck man? Sports isn’t about everyone has fun. Fun is only part of it. its about winning, its about working towards a goal. its about experiencing failure and working harder. Why do some wacky people think they should outlaw booing and not keep score and everyone hugs…its rediculous. the world is not a fairytail land that people want to inject into sports to make our kids think it is. If you are not playing sports to succed…you will fail. on the other side there is something wrong with the super competitive parents that make their kids win at all costs. I just feel really sorry for little kids that will grow up in a world where everyone gets a trophy and there are no winners and losers… they will never learn the life lessons the sports can really show you.

i have no clue how the hell they will stop booing. its rediculous

you boo’d now you cant graduate. what if a parent does it… will their child get tossed out of the game?

i bet it makes it worse. all students boo just because

That’s retarded.

:rofl: I heard about this on Junker and Crow the other day. They have a law up in Connecticut, I think, that says if you beat a team by more than 50 points in a high school football game, the coach gets suspended for the next game. A decent idea, in theory, but I know there was one game where a coach had his 4th string in, and was scoring on simple dive running plays. Game ended up like 52-0 or something. What is he supposed to do, tell the kids to just flat out not score?

Too much political correctness anymore. No wonder we have kids like Schmeider and 85TransAm running around thinking that any idea they spout should have the right to be listened too, not matter how idiotic it might be.

boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo to this ban

as far as play calling you can definetly call plays not to run up a score but i would never tell my kids to pysically lay down in a football game, you could get urself killed. baseball is different. as a coach you can hold ur runners at each base.

by the high school ranks a kids needs to learn failure and success. i laughed my ass off when my uncle told me they won’t keep score at my lil cousins soccer games. ok that fine for tiny kids but you gotta start somewhere. i started playing competetive baseball at 7. the kids pitched, not the parents, we used real baseballs, no facemasked helmets and no trophies for the whole league. its made getting to the playoffs that much better cause you knew it meant garentteed trophies. Winning is fun! no winners or losers= lame… no booing is lame.

by not keeping score you penalize the better team, by keeping fans from booing you penalize the fan for the expense of the team that sucked and the team being booed. this country has become a bunch of emo faggots.

wow, rediculous

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

Learn to spell


i know it is wrong…



x2 and learn to spell 85 trans am.

thats ghey

I would think thats kinda break ones rights somewhere?

this country is getting to liberal.

dodge ball banned then musical chairs. now boooing. what the fuck is next

freedom of speech?

True, but that doesn’t mean that what someone says doesn’t make them an asshole. :smiley:

Banning booing is retarded. But I also see a lot of stuff that isn’t called for. For example, my daughter plays high school basketball, and when a parent (not a student) tries to screw up the other team’s foul shot by making noise before the throw (which doesn’t do anything anyway), it’s just fucking obnoxious.