Dips track days July15th

Maybe i saw him the only time he was drifting but he was definitely trying to drift doing that weight transfer shit before the corners that drifters do - I can’t remember what it’s called :slight_smile:

there is no reaason to shoot outside briefly before a turn when you’re gripping.

starting a drift before the apex is pretty tricky unless you’re attempting to do it.

Also, the other funky move he pulled that I didn’t go in to detail was that he spun out ahead of me after the carosel (sp?) and instead of taking it easy and getting off the track so i could pass I had to hit the brakes because he thought it would be a good idea to start doing smokey donuts in the middle of the track.

Anyway, I believe he was spoken to about it and I never saw any issues from him after that.

You definitely need an alignment or something man, I was in a stock SR w/ sidemount, stock brakes and mismatched street tires when Varun was driving (fobwall’s car w/ advan 3 spokes) and he dialed you two guys in the skylines in pretty easily :slight_smile: you’ve got all of the goodies on the car to have a beat so i imagine after some suspension/alignment tuning you would be crazzzyy fast out there.

Sasha is the man for the job.

Feint drifting I believe.

Hope I can make it out to one of these track days…been so busy!

Feint, thats the word!

yea, george got black-flagged for that, and admitted it was a bad move. dip let him back on after they had a quick chat.

trust me, george is a good guy, excellent driver. you all just need to get to know him. he was laughing when i told him about this thread, lol.

Hey Jammin, I’m glad to hear Varun had no trouble running us down while we were stuck in traffic :wink: Dave’s GTR is plenty fast with an open track in front.

hah, I may not remember the situation exactly but I believe all 3 of us passed a few cars and although he didn’t pass you guys he stayed right on dave’s ass the whole time.

Sounds like a re-match brewing for the next event! I may even get my AWD working this time :wink:

haha, i need to stop talking shit im going to get varun in trouble haha

no seriously though, it would be awesome to see some actual heads up competition for once. we should put a few heads together and put together an elimination time attack lapping day with a larger volume of participants and lower entry fee with some small prizes, etc. that would be a great time.

Haha you guys always testing…did I have the 4-ways on? Vassago can bang a gear and his SR20/RPS13 had lots of trouble AND THAT THING WAS HOOKED-UP SON!

Those RE-01Rs I dunno? They are really nice on the street, spirited driving but at the track they were protesting after some laps, howling and understeering. The NITTO R-comps are unstoppable.

I’m bringing a stopwatch Aug 6, hopefully a volunteer can get some clean laps…I think the open wheelers do 1:09:00?

EDIT: You know what was a big surprise though, the Purple Civic Coupe & the Golf 1.8T.

we need to do some top gear style lap times
1 lap from a dead start

dip i was talking to some of the boys about this… that would be totally fun to do.

damn 1:09 is fast, on the june day walter was doing 1:22 or so timed by a stop watch on his ka-t w/ t25, sidemount, poopy mismatched street tires, etc.

i timed a bunch of the faster cars and he was the fastest i timed but i never got to time a good lap of the red 944 without him hitting traffic somewhere along the way.

properly organized with 40 people lined up you could have probably at least 4 guys going at a time without any concern of them getting held up by the guy in front of them unless someone stops for one reason or another.

that means 20 seconds between each start, i doubt even the fastest guy vs. the slowest could gain 20 seconds in one lap right?

thats less than 17 minutes to go through a lineup of 50 people which is 14 laps per person unless they have difficulties and dont get right back in the line. This is assuming you run 4 hours straight. So if you show up early you would likely get a bunch more runs than the people who show up a bit late when the line is short you’d get them much more often. As people blow up their cars or dont jump back in line you would also get several more. Realistically if you have a smooth day of constant driving and show up on time you probably get 20+ laps.

but, in order for dip to bring in the same money every only needs to pay $45 instead of $70 since theres more people. (unless there are costs such as insurance which would go up as well, i dont know anything about that stuff). This is based on the last day of 32 participants * $70/each.

hell, make it $50 and the top 5 guys could win their admission back @ $50/each.

OR we could do some ELIMINATION with PRIZES :slight_smile:

Like so:


This is getting way to serious for me….besides sounds like I’m in enough trouble. Most of the fast cars were timed from 1:14 to 1:16 on a clear track.

not exactly what i was thinkin
i was refering to a bit more of a fun run…

I kind of like this idea, but I don’t think we should do it all day. The idea of running only one or two laps at a time does not appeal to me. Part of the challenge is driving your car in such a way as to be able to run 20 laps without burning up your car or loosing focus. I think we should set it up so that we all do 2 timed laps each, preferably later in the day. That way we have some time to free lap and work on our setup. Thats what a lapping day is all about :wink:

Jim, I should have clarified sorry buddy!

I didn’t really mean for this to replace one of the current days, just something to try on a day of its own some day next season maybe.

Meh 1:22? A stock Miata on Rs was running 1:20 last year :slight_smile:

I turned a 1:16 last Sept on R-Comps but I think my best lap was when Jim in the FD and I were given’er in tandem, I know that was a quicker.

You have to time the GTR on the hot lap #2 after that they taper off. I was dogging the 4 door Bimmer for one lap and IT WAS MY COOL DOWN!

vassago has the right idea i think.

we could even make it an average of the fastest 2 or 3 consecutive laps

Okay 2G, we get it. Your car is fast. You have a GTR afterall :slight_smile:

Some sort of competition would definitely be fun though.