Dips track days July15th

lol im going to turn my boost back up and hunt you down on r comps Dave

if you werent beating the 1:22 I mentioned there would be some serious issues

like i said, stock KA24 w/ 260,000klm on it, t25, not sure what psi but its low, i think 8psi or so. sidemount, etc. mismatched (and very bald, they were on the belts at the end of the day) street tires.

I just just throwing a number out there, I have nothing to compare it to other than the other cars on the track that day - none of which were timed faster than that by my stop watch, thats all.

im sure a gtr with lots of work done to it would be quicker :smiley:

Speaking of which. Walter… if you’re reading this…

Dude, i almost had you!

had walter?

dude, you never had him

you never had your car!

oh snap here come the fnf coments lol

Alright Mael its on. But I’m not sweating it…No, Literally I’m not sweating it as I will have the windows up with the AC on.

I’m not sure why its turned into me vs. the world LOL. I just go out there to beat on the car, wasn’t paying attention to times or other cars. Plus I need way more practice for Aug event in Cali.

Most fun I had on the day was the battle with Scotts GTR! It was kickass, so much eye candy fu$k like starring in an Option vid with stereo RB26s.

that was me laughing dave I realy dont care who is faster or slower then me as long as I am getting a bit better everytime

im not part of the vs world its not about that for me

on a side not you should come back to the house after the next evnt it was a fun time winding down and haveing a bbq.


Dave I have to agree that the two skylines battling was a sight to see (and hear)

You bastards had a bbq after? Awesome. varun and mark and walter and I went to TJ’s after which was awesome also but I think a BBQ tops that. I brought a mini bbq to the track which was key - definitely bringing that again next time.

i think it was actually a 1:20 laptime… and that was with johnny’s 200lb ass in my car! haha not that i care who is or isn’t faster.

the real question is, who’s got the pics and vids!?

that’s the truth. i was sporting those (only a pair, unfortunately) on sunday and they never once lost traction. the back end would step out from the rediculous difference in tire compound from front to back (hankook ventus on the back heh).

Sick rubber. I have driven a few cars on the NT-01 the heaviest being an R34 and the lightest being a Mini-S with the lamest being a slushbox Mustang GT and they all drove like superstars, lap after lap.

I have a racer buddy who ran them on a touring Sentra and they grip hard at over 180F.

They get way better without the tread…I still gots some :frowning:

Yeah where is the media, so many people there with cams?

yeah, i only scrubbed like 1/32 off mine, so i’ve still got some tread. cant wait to get down to the 2 center lines :stuck_out_tongue:

Walter, i think i’m going to get those tires.

i just found out a company who we do business with can cut me sick deals on any nitto tires.

275/40/17 NT01’s here i come

Walter, send me a pm! I’m interested too! too bad the smallest size they have are only 245/50/16 :frowning: it’ll be gay if i were to run 245s in the front and then 225 in the rear.

Its good they’re official NITTO in Canada now with stock and support finally cause they have a good lineup

They were confused when I ordered four 275/35R18s and asked it I was getting two sets of rears for a Stang silly rockers.