DirecTV switching service from SD to HD. Questions...

I’m confused as all hell looking at the website. I have just a plain old R15 SD DirecTV DVR receiver. This is my first year of service with them and it ends in 30 days.

I am about to buy a nice new shiny HD TV and want service to boot.

Looking at the DirecTV website it seems they want me to pay $200 for their HD DVR box? And then pay $10/mo. for service? I must be missing something. With Time Warner I went to the store and said “I want DVR, heres my old box.” and they handed me a nice new DVR box and I had to pay $5/mo. extra for DVR lease.

Someone please explain? If they really expect me to pay $200, can I just let me term lapse and cancel with them only to renew and start over again on contract to get the equipment for free?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I always thought with DirecTV you had to buy the cable box, if not they ‘should’ allow you to just trade it in like TWC, if not that sucks.

I’m curious if I can cancel on the 24th and then open a “new” account on the 25th to get the new equipment and a 3-month 24.99 start up cost :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going to guess they are going to force me to buy the $200 piece of equipment and not give me any money back on the useless box I have. Then, they’ also try to sell me NFL package and other crap I don’t want. I’ll say “no” and it’ll show up on my bill next month. I’ll call 8 times and get 8 different stories. Then, I’ll somehow be charged $400 for “early cancellation fees” from when my contract was over because some dumb customer service person pushed the wrong button and turned my account off. They’ll turn it back on and still think I owe them $400. Someone will show up to my apartment and demand my equipment back as I cancelled. When I say “no” they show me the papers and say “I’m just doing my job.” The cops get called and they look at the paper and demand I give the equipment to the person. I walk back inside, sit down on my couch and enjoy my wonderful HD service. Oh wait, it just left and I somehow have a $890 bill for “equipment and cancellation fees.” Does this sound like DirecTV, because that is what the rest of the internet makes them sound like…

when i just got my DVR box it was $99 including an install for the 2nd line. call them and tell them you want a free box or your gunna switch to TW. thats worked b4 for me with DirectTv… iv never had a single problem with Direct Tv in the 5 years iv been with them

Alright, I’ll give that a try :slight_smile: I wonder if I’m on a 1-year contract due to my apartment… because all I see everyone saying is “2-year.” I wish my apartment had FIOS! I’m one street away and they told us 4 months ago it was coming. LOL, when? Stupid apartment complexes… such an annoyance.

I have DirecTV and im also thinking of upgrading to HD considering iv had an HDTV for over a year now and never got it.

Maybe I’ll call and use the threats of switching to get a box from them.

What are the odss that i can get an HD-DVR box?

yea i hear ya with apt’s. i lived in one and i had to sign a contract that i would only use TW cable :frowning: loved the place but i left after a year, one main reason was bc of the cable lol… rob the worst that will happen is they say no or maybe they will knock off a few bucks its always worth a try. it seems like the longer you have been a customer the more they do for ya.

I tried the “I will switch to TWC if I do not get FREE HD receiver” they knew I wouldnt just up and leave because I was under contract for 2 years. They offered to sell me the box for 99.99 and I could pay it over 3 months, payments being 33.33 per month for 3 months. It worked out pretty good. I am happy and they always help me out when I call.

What I would do in your situation is tell them that you will switch to TWC after your contract expires in 30 days. If they refuse, kiss them goodbye.

Also I believe you have to be a new customer in order to get free equipment. Well worth a try though.

point 1 regarding your contract. advanced equipment carries a 2 year contract, this includes DVR, HD, and HD/DVR boxes. Once you are out of contract they will usually knock 100 bucks off when you call in. Also keep in mind you are not getting junk equipment. the new DVR and HD/DVR boxes carry 400 hour harddrives (assuming SD reccording) where as the one you have now only holds 100 hour. So the reccording capacity is significantly increased. Also keep in mind that it is not just plug and play, someone will be out to change your dish out to the HD dish and setup the equipment, and relocate the old dvr to another room if you request it and it show up on the order.

point 2 If/when you are out of contract yes you can do this if you can set it up under your wife/girl friends name. They typically will not let you do this under the same account name and information.