Dirt hill OWNAGE



the car launched that high in the air???

let me see if i got this right

  • kids are driving 04 accord
  • kids see 4 foot dirt hill/pile
  • kids floor it
  • kids launch off of said hill/pile
  • kids crash through house

is that right?

and here I thought the new civic was the only one that could jump buildings

An autopsy was scheduled for the 43-year-old Mount Sinai man.

Wow, that is just so wierd.

too bad there’s not a vid.

why would he go that fast on a dead end street lol.

To jump the dirt pile?

actually it was a guy in his 40s…Minglor…did you get this post from D-Series? lol.

He woulda been fine if he had been driving an orange Charger. That’ll teach him to try and do something cool in a ghey car. :stuck_out_tongue:

this was on the news the other day… crazy shizzel

Yes, I did :smiley:

knight rider boost… yo

Damn…he must have had a flux capacitor.

How crazy that is, THATS FUCKING AWSOME. "To go that high into a Freaking house from a 4 ft dirt hill. Shit I wonder if a Quad can do that.