discovery channel future car part 3, alternative fuels

i’m doing a speech in my speech class on alternative fueled vehicles and i was wondering if anyone had this episode on their computer, i searched for it on the discovery website, google and you tube but couldn’t find anything, can anyone help me out? i’d like to use it as part of my research.

thanks, Adam

I have it on my PVR and I might be able to put it on a dvd for you or at least a VHS tape.

thanks alot but i need it this week and i’m in philly.

i seen it very interesting but did not tape it. they are suppose to replay all the future episodes one of these days not sure what day though

The perpetual motion air car was pretty far fetched…

i liked the idea of the air compressor, also the acceleration of the electric cars were cool 0-100 in 6 seconds