Discussion: Brake Boosting

are you telling ME this?

or re-inforcing the statement i made? :lol:

and pissing on him.

ok back on topic.

and pissing on him.

ok back on topic.

  1. BB’ing a stock or not stock TSI/GSX is a very good idea. They are slow stock so you need all the help you can get. BB’ing will help tremendously.

BB’ing a RWD/FWD car is extremely important as well… Toda used to do it all the time, if Rob did it more often he woouldn’t have to relle everyone in… but he usually has no problem reeling them in anyways. If Spence, or Xander (when he was running) would have BB’d during their races, or one or the other BB’d then it would have been a big difference…

some of you guys without turbos, shouldn’t talk in this thread.

i remember seeing xander bb against spencer in one fo the videos that were out. but thats beside the point.

i mean everyone knows what a difference bb can make, i mean if you are up against an n/a car, it almost negates the n/a cars advantage off the jump… there are other obvious examples too.

but it seems like everyone in this thread feels that bb isn’t that awful for the car or the differentials… but i know other people have other opinions. i was hoping howie would chime in :eekdance:

granted any time i pull up next to someone and im not sure about the outcome… ill bb =P

and yea, lets keep the OT to the OT… thanks

brake boosting = nitrous


I used to brake boost if I was croozing next to a someone I wanted to race, I would roll up to them and let them hear spool.

the only thing I can think of being bad is that sometimes who the rookie roll racers have a hard time starting a speed, you will be at 10psi for a long time,

I used to bb right to 10psi which was all the boost i was running, 55mph BB and get an instant length

Beckington, I highly suggest you stop talking out of your ass right about… now.

Be a moron and start another how you think girls think thread in off-topic. Don’t bring this moronic shit in here.

Brake boosting a stock DSM is unnecessary for the most part. It’s a T25. You look at the gas pedal, and the thing is spooled (exaggeration, but you get the point). They are slow because the T25 dies right where you need it to sustain power, and the weight of the car. Since the turbo dies just when the car’s gearing can take advantage of power, it’s useless to brake boost.

As for you roll racers, you would probably be better off keeping your car in the proper gear (powerband wise) than brake boost, unless you have a huge turbo (i.e. Spencer, Xander, F.Dot if he ever sees his car again, Howie, etc.)

You guys with smaller turbos really don’t need to do it. You are all probably doing it wrong anyway, so at some point you will screw up and break something else. :ohnoes:

Drag Racing, Rally Racing, different story. These guys if they need to do it usually have the proper tools (stutterbox, ignition control, etc), and lots of practice of the left foot variety. Brake Boosting is something that happens in a split second or two. I’ve seen some of you guys riding your brakes for way more than that trying to setup on “ZE HIGHWAYZ”. It’s ok if you plan on replacing worn parts, but if you want reliability, there are other ways to gain fast spoolup. Mainly picking the right turbo for your application, and the right parts (downpipes, O2 dump, tuning, whatever) to encourage better spool-up.

im gonna catch shit for this but oh well, i need to be that guy and ask this question. what is brake boosting?? and how is it done?? yes i sounds like a dumb bastard of a newb, but i hear this term all over this site, someone help me please

brake boosting is using the brakes to keep the car from zooming off while revving the engine under load, which spools the turbocharger up and produces more boost. more boost=more fast.

and the only way to learn anything is to ask or do. so you may have the newb questions, but at least you’re honest about not knowing. :tup:


thanks trueblue appreciate the answer very much, i just have never heard it before, so now i know, ima have to try it out when i race my friends… every time i race my friends non turbo integra ls, he always gets me off the start, its not fair

I totally understand what you are saying in regards to waiting forever for your opponent to line up and beep or whatever… while you are sitting heavy on the brake and throttle.

What I don’t fully understand is what you mean by doing it wrong anyway? Are you talking about the car not being built properly to handle the stress of it… or do you mean the technique applied to brakeboost is incorrect?

admittedly in the small amount of times that i’ve done it… it’s usually. downshift-> rev till spool -> hard brake hard gas -> go… is there something crucial i’m missing? i didn’t know there is more to the technique than that.


It’s a little of everything.

Roll racing is :gay: and you pretty much covered the roll racing part , so on to the next part.

It’s not the technique (which is self explanatory), but how you apply the technique.

Specifically “rev till spool”. I’ve been a passenger under duress for some of these roll races, and I can tell just by the RPMs some people were revving to that they were overdoing it and putting undue stress on the car. Some people don’t understand or even know exactly where there car makes power, and where the revs need to be to achieve proper brake boosting. Some bounce it off the limiter, or damn close too it, and it’s not necessary. Sooner or later (probably sooner, because we all know people love going to Syracuse), the un-needed stress on all parts involved will take it’s toll, despite some of the newer cars being more forgiving/dummy proof than ever before. Call me paranoid I guess. :shrug:

Brake Boosting puts strain on the driveline and Clutch and brakes obviously.

It would be the same as towing a trailer behind your car… you are putting unecessary load on all the moving parts in your engine and driveline.

Will it hurt every now and then? Probably not… would I suggest doing it every now and then? probably not.

Rx3 - I have 9bs… much smaller than T25s… and as anyone will tell you that has ever ridden in my car or another 9b equipt car… BBing is essential if you don’t want to lose a car right off the bat.

When I had my TSI if I would BB against a stock WRX I could usually take them 9 out of 10. They didn’t know what I was doing… but I would pull a car and by the time they were getting it back the race was over.

Sureshot! - I know you saw those clips… but what I was saying is that when Xander would BB Spence had to reel him in… if neither of them did it, they were both very laggy at the start and then Spence would pull. As you know they are both high output RWD cars as well… did you see them get all sideways? No.

If you are auto… I recommend brake boosting @ the light… brake + gas = boost. In a standard you can feather the clutch enough to load the engine, create boost, and not rip off the tires. Its technique, and you can only get it through practice.
If you look at the gif in my sig… you can see the car squat… and not come up until I go into 2nd… thats because I was in boost once the lights dropped… and when I was out of boost I shifted. If you watch other AWD cars launch… sure they leave the line fast… but they buck or bog right afterwards because they either fell out of boost… or never got into boost to begin with.
BuickGN said he saw 10psi @ the light… thats perfect. If the ass of the car can stay planted and go straight @ 10psi, there is no reason for lag. A FI FWD with proper setup could probably do 5psi @ launch… and then progressively increase boost @ the 60’ or better… instead of BB’ing to 10psi and smoking the tires.

There was a FWD VR4 swapped base model 3000GT @ the track Saturday… He was running 18Ts which are fairly laggy… but extremely powerful. He woould feather the clutch… and smoke the DRs for all of 1st gear, hit 2nd… lagggggg … and then spin from 4k up in 2nd gear… till he hit 3rd… then there was less lag and more forward movement in boost. It was fricken incredible…

You also have a different car; much heavier, different gearing, with a V6 and twin turbos. Totally different setup. So yes, in your particular situation it may be essential. For drag racing.

Roll racing… not drag racing. :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW - I had a TSI, it was stock, right to the filter, and it def helped to BB… don’t you think?

It may have helped, but be honest. Did it really help that much?

Especially if it was stock right down to the filter. You probably needed to if you didn’t plug the boost solenoid, remove the restrictor in the original intake tube, or some of the other free mods that most DSM guys do.

lol… ok so I did a couple free mods… but it was only “removing” parts… never adding them.

It helped… and in the case of racing stock WRXs … it helped enough.

So in the end… brake Boosting is your friend… your brakes will hate you and your clutch will fart and it will smell like burning clutch