Dish Network... wtf re price hikes...

So I get my bill this month expecting it too be 5 dollars cheaper since I finally got a Ethernet connection to it and it went up what looks to be 8 dollars.

My old bill from last month was
DishDVR Advantage - 49.99
dishHD with 1 Premium - 30.00
Programming Access - 5.00
Addl Receiver - 7.00
Addl Reciever - 7.00

New bill reads
DishDVR Advantage Classic Silver 200 - 57.99
Classic Gold 250 - 10.00
GoldHD - 10.00
PlatinumHD - 10.00
HD Solo Reciever - 7.00
DHA Leased Reciever - 7.00

They have there little note about price hikes in the new bill but what I don’t get is how do I get in on a price hike when my contract where for the previous rate plans… correct me if I am wrong I should be grandfathered in on the old price plan for the duration of my contract and/or I recieve the option to opt out of said contract?

nope… this isnt a cell phone plan… in contract rate hikes are what they are… sorry

That doesn’t sound right I got in under a promotion at a certain rate and agreed to contract period, I am almost positive DirecTV worked this way.

Yeah I dunno. That’s not really my department. My bill went up too. :frowning:

They changed the packages again. That’s how they disguise their price increases. Good news is that this is only the third rate increase I have seen them do in four years. Betcha TW wished they could say the same!

Call up and complain. That’s probably the best plan of action. If your enough of a pain in the butt they will give you some money off or free movie channels or something.

I called and told them it was bullshit.
I said they had only two options. They either take my bill down to where it started and keep it there for the remainder of my contract or piss off and cancel my service without a fee.

They came back and said they would do 12 months at my old rate. Again I told them they had only two choices. Finally they came back after speaking to the “manager” and are crediting my bill for the next 20 months (the rest of my contract).

There you have it!!

$49.99 to $57.99 8%

They raise 3 out of 4 years you know…

TW raises yearly 4-6%

Why would TW wish they could say the same? Looks like both companies are about par. Neither will win and without the other we’d ALL get royally screwed, competition is good for us/consumers!

if you add up what his total bill is with the packages he has its a 3 dollar difference, not the 8 dollar difference you posted



1st bill he is billed an additional $5/mo for not having a phone plugged into the equipment. (wtf kind of fee is that in the first place :P)

In the 2nd bill, after plugging in a phone into the box and removing the $5/mo fee he is still up 8 bux from 49.99 to 57.99. He would have been 57.99+5 if he didn’t plug the phone line into the box this month.

Programming access fee is removed with the lan connection it is a 8 dollar difference my friend.

Not that is the proper place for this tired argument call me when DirecTV stops gimping there HD DVR’s they have great hardware but freaking software gimp there gear.

I just looked at my bill and it only went up $3 from last month. Nothing else changed other than the packages. Still have 2 phone lines connected, with 2 receivers. Maybe the Everything Pack didn’t go up as much as the others. :gotme:

dude, platinum HD sucks for an extra $10 a month. Drop it.

My dish network was 124.98 until December, 130.41 in january and 128.97 this month… I don’t know whats going on… they change the way they bill me like every month.

well i guess tw is trying to keep spme customers here my dad had tw for ever. his bill was like 130 for basic cable and roadrunner but he went to cancel the other day and they said well we can cut your bill in half. im like wtf they want to keep customers that bad but it would be nice to know before they go and get other service lol