Dissolve rubber

what is the fastest way to dissolve rubber? (bushing remenants)

using crap I can find around the house…

gas and a match

I usually do a brake torque… start in 1st and when they get hot get er into 2nd fast, and hold it @ 1/2 throttle.

Burning it will work nicely… as long as the surrounding area won’t be too effected.


turpentine or benzine.

Torch is probably the quickest.

:word: use a torch get it nice and hot and it will come out like butter

torch always worked for me. a real dirty acetlyne (sp) burn.

oil based lubricants?

all I have is crappy propane…used that to get the bushing out…

im having trouble with the residue bonded to the steel outer shell

Do you have room for a steel brush? Maybe use a rotary tool.

bonded to the part? or is it boded to the bushing sleeve that needs to come out as well? Most bushings have a steel sleeve, these need to be removed too.