s13 subframe bushing meltdown, need direction

so is the idea just to set fire and melt the bushing out totally? i started one and the metal sleeve came out nice. so to me that was the easiest part. i am assuming that the rubber is the icing on the cake and will take eternity to get out completly…is this how everyone else prepares their subframe for solid bushings?

if the bushings are still in good shape its easier to cut the rubber around the center metal piece with a sawzall just so it doesn’t take so long burning them out. once its all the rubber is burned out there is a metel sleeve inside, if you have a sawzall make 2 vertical cuts about an inch apart from each other, careful not to go all the way through into the subframe, safest way would be to start the cuts with a sawzall then finish them off with a hacksaw. when that piece is out just pound it out with a screw driver.
hope that helps

^i used a hacksaw (so I didn’t get carried away) cut towords the meat of the subframe, put a nice slot into the metal sleeve, then… air chisel…