Rebuilding subframe

I am at the point of pushing out the four main bushings from my subframe and i got the center pin and most of the rubber out but the sleeve seems to be seized in there. just wondering from those who have done it what the best solution would be? try to cut it? push it out somehow? torche it?
any help from someone that has done it would be great .

Hammer of Thor

i just dont want to damage the frame before i put your solid bushings in

THOR’s Hammer Never Misses!!!

Use a hack saw and cut a slit in them, then u can bend the lip up and pull them off

thats what i was thinking but just wanted a couple of opinions

cutting a slit works well, or use an air chisel like I did, takes 15 seconds :smiley:

I start by taking a drill and drilling holes in the 4 sections of rubber holding the center pin in place then the pin pounds/falls out easliy.

If you take a screw driver then and pry on the rubber left in the pocket you can actually break it loose in 1pc and she pops right out.

Then I take a die-grinder and put a slit into the metal collar (takes seconds vs using a hack saw) and then that pounds/drops right out easily…

IF… you are pressing in solid aluminum bushings. Odds are the top will go in easliy but the bottom, you will either have to smooth out the inside of the pocket big time, or smooth/file down the bottom bushing slightly. PLUS you need to trim a back pc of the subframe or the bushing so it sits flush 100% perfect without rubbing/hitting up against the subframe (I actually just rain into this myself the other day installing mine)

i did what jeff did… took a big chisel and a big hammer and went to town, it was easy.

i already got to this part but i will take your advice on the rest thanks

torch it. messy but it works. just do it outside and if you want wear a mask.


well, from experince… using a propane torch will get you no where as it doesnt like to get hot enough so really,l all you do is make a mess and then the rubber becomes like glue and if you do try to pry on it/remove it with a screw driver the melted rubber just sticks all over the screw driver making a mess of your tools… (I’ve read of people spraying something flamable @ it to increase the burn thou, hah)

now, if you have an oxy/acetylene touch which is 10x hotter, it melts instantly and falls out.

but like Bing said… chisel/hammer is really all you need and no mess to clean up or burning rubber to breath in

the rubber was burned out with oxy/acyl i just dont want to dmg the actual subframe i will try prying on it if not ill cut it out. i thank all of you for your input. i will get her out one way or another

unless you take a cutting wheel or cutting torch too it, you wont damage it…

removing the one bushing pocket/sleeve or whatever on my subframe I ended up going a bit to deep with the die-ground and did slightly slit into the subframe or whatever but say 1/32-1/16 if that but theirs no way in hell something like that would effect the subframe long term…

so dont worry :wink:

alright beautiful im going to cut it and pry on it