Dixmont new website



I know the kid who ownes that…
its pretty cool

i wish I could have went up there before they tore it all down. :frowning:

Ralph Stroyne is the owner…he is burying all the aspestis from the buildings illegally from what I here. His son Tim is pretty cool, got a silver viper. The actual hospital is still standing, the powerplant, gym, all little buildings are all torn down for the walmart build. I imagine the big building won’t be up much longer. We used to ride dirtbikes back there with tim all the time…creepy place. I might try and grab a pic before the main building gets torn down. You can see it cleary from 65 now.

yeah Ive met Tim before. I think him and Whitey are friends.

You mean asbestos?

That place is creepy. I remember going there to drink 40’s with a big group when i was a freshmen in college. we found a bloody dress and this drunk as chick paraded in it that night.

Red vert now




his moms porsche >*

I remember going down there w/ a group of about a dozen fools one night with a bottle of 151 to keep me warm. Ended up scarin’ the shit outta all the others. I think I went down there about 3-4 times.


its becoming a walmart now


if you knew you would understand