No Walmart in Kilbuck twp @ old Dixmont site

Walmart scraps the idea after continous landsliding on rt-65

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Best news i heard in a long time.

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but they already tore it down, no?

Yeah thats the fucked up part. should of made a historical landmark out of it. torn down in 2005


they should build a drag strip now


yes everyone who traps above 35mph will receive a 200 dollar speeding ticket!


yep, traffic is bad enough @ rush hour.

been there, done that. faggots.

killbuck can lick my asshole

thats fucked up, after destroying such a screwed up place they bail on it. Wish it was still there, very creepy.

*2nd best news, since darkstars rents. Told me, I don’t have to share my wealth to his down syndrome hospital bill anymore :blue:

the only way you’ll ever have wealth is if someday empty packs of Newports become worth their weight in gold.

I never understood why they needed a WalMart there anyways.

There is one in Wexford, Bridgeville and Robinson. All less than 10 miles from that area.


Killbuck stands to lose a large windfall in tax money.

It’s gonna take a whole lot of speeding tickets to make that shit back up.

now they are talking about putting one in Moon, in the Plaza next to where The Meadows sits, behind the BP on University Blvd. I really dont think they need one there, considering Robinson is so close.

thats just retarded

…to think it couldn’t get any worse. Heh.

I here it’s goin up on mcknight where mckrackalackin was

They might not… they are trying to get the gov’t to allow them to build another lane and an exit off McKnight for it… (one of those you have to make a right to go left deals coming from 279) nobody supports the proposal and their ideas keep getting shut down. The bought the land out but they can’t get all the correct permits to build because none of the guys in charge want them there.