wallyworld 0 kilbuck twp won

good news out of the hell speedzone defunct called kilbuck twp, now ohio twp pd patrol :rolleyes:


never a wallyworld

“Wal-Mart is working to stabilize the 75-acre property and has said it will not build on the site.”

:owned: about time wally world can’t complete their every ~15 mile monopoly…

Im sure they will end up building like 3 miles down the road

The report said that if such a legal mandate for geologic review had been in place prior to the Kilbuck landslide, it could have been prevented.

it was reported right after the landslide that the “approval” of the slope degree against regulation as it was too high of a gradiant.

what a load of shit.

They should have built it, then it could’ve done a landslide in to the damn river.

i was hoping that the taxes from the walmart there would lessen the pressure on the police to be such douches about vehicle violations, oh well

“Kilbuck law enforcement” and “giant fucking douchebags” run hand in hand.

who cares. its a fuckin store. you dont want it there… dont shop there. its not sam waltons fault that he was smart and knew how to run a new creative bus.

It’s not just a fucking store. Also Kilbuck twp PD has disbanded months ago.