Post a pic of your car

your “race car” camero is a little out of the pic

old pic

more recent

the wifes whip

sorry, wrong hick side of the city. 28 between Harmarville and Etna isnt that bad though. Last time I was up i saw they were building a big ass mall up there. Is it done yet?

my bad. I couldnt remember exactly where it was. :doh:


all the Armstrong/Butler county rednecks will love that shit.

werd. Yeah i heard it was gonna be big. Its about fucking time they built something out on that side of the city. Having to go the whole way to Monroeville or Ross Park for a decent mall sucks.

when does it open?

it’s about 5x larger than century 3 mall

not even close, the cheapest car around is my truck

cool i’l have to check it out…

hope the outdoor is nice like the waterfront & not a letdown like the monroeville mall addition.

jesus fuck. I didnt know it was gonna be THAT big. IB Ross Park/Waterworks/Monroeville malls all go out of business.

and its so nice that its right off 28. Trying to fight through Monroeville and McKnight Road traffic blows.

Beaver Valley Mall > any other mall


your kidding right…

their are mad snobby, rich, white folks that shop @ waterworks.

my wife nannies for these doctors while she is finishing up grad school & she would take the kids to the fox chapel yaht club in the summer so they could swim…if you’ve never been…its snob central.

& this lady started talking to my wife one day & was complaining about the shopping @ waterworks (not many stores, small, no kaufmans/lazurus etc…). so my wife asked how come she didn’t go to the waterfront instead cause its newer, nicer & has more stuff, and the lady said & i quote…“i don’t go to the waterfront because of all the blacks that shop there”…so my wife told her yeah & my husband is probably one of them & walked away.

waterworks will soon turn into “the other mall” that will be a minority attraction, but cause if its location with fox chapel and the other ritzy areas it will still have some upscale clientel.
plus what other minority beside me is gonna eat @ that panera…they would go out of business…if all the white folks stop going to that mall.

you’re black? :eek3:

I’m there all the time…and so is my wife
i live like 10 mins from there…maybe 15 with traffic.

yes wal-mart is a minorty attaction & so is giant eagle…and yeah brothas are gonna eat some chese steaks…but come on.

it only started to really draw minorities after wall-mart came.

i’m not saying its all white, but there are less minorities there then monroeville, waterworks, mcknight etc…

I’m telling you…there are a lot of shops that would go out of business if white folks stop shopping there…panera, pottery barn, joann fabrics,bed bath & beyond, etc…

welcome to my world

technically i’m mixed…mostly black, but some american indian & irish

but like my grandfather says…black blood is the purest blood 1% make you whole

:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
erase the entire black/ white mall thing

awww this was getting good…LOL