DIY: intoxication and pasta.

so yeah jam and i wanted to make a how to thread to rival lafengas. we tottaly did this a month or more ago and well im lazy and never uploaded pics. well here it finally is. OOH and if you view this thread please tell me if a person with the name of Spaghetti would be off the chain and alll loopy and would plant seeds as his career.
step one: igredients. go buy them. you know like oodles of noodles and sauce and shit.
step one and 1/2: i dont know WTF is going on here. seems to be a pot full of water. neat shit.
step too: boil water.
step 3: hold the bagopasta.(and then open it prior to step fore)
step fore: pour the pasta into the boiling abyss.
step sicks: get the h20 outta that shit
step seven: sauce it.
step ocho: enjoy!
Now you may find yourselves asking “dirty, what happened to step five?”

fiv esound s too much like fire and kitchen fires suck so i didnt want to say five but in retrospect if you need step five its located here

                                   t3h alcohol

1 part jam
1 part dirty
2 parts boredom
24 beers 1.5 hours 14 cups a table and cat balls.
mix well and enjoy
^the last cup^
Jam won because of som estupid corporate bullshit by one cup

i just lol’d the entire time i read this thread

this is even worse than my “belts open” thread.

Did you two light candles and feed each other?

No points for presentation…

lol lafengas better watch out, his carbon fiber projects aint got shit on these two :eek:

actually now that i think of it…

Motion to ban lafengas for not posting this first.

I bow.

Show them up, eat it out of a carbon fiber bowl.

wearing carbon fibre pants. (french canadian spelling)

…I will show him up in the next couple days.


ooo did you two use it to rub chocolate on each other after you got drunk?? If so post that DIY TOO

u guys left out the part where u jerk each other off

A+++ would read again!

by eating out of a carbon fibre toilet bowl… is your shitter cf btw??? even a cf seat would pwn.

no, i was just think i’d post a “DIY: Coconut Shrimp” :gotme:

this project sucks because i’m pretty sure that was my 30 pack you guys drank. i went over the next day to drink…

me: you still got that 30 pack i left here the other night?
jam: no, me and dirty got all drunk on it and made pasta.

never leave beer behind u neglected it u deserve to lose it

i didnt know whos it was… we made the pasta like 4 nights before we got slammed tho… i think.

meh im like the only person that doesnt like shrimp… now general tsos or some orange shicken or any other chinese chicken and im soooooooooooooo down.

Step 5

lol job well done :tup: