DIY: LCD Display for car shows *too many pics*

can some one please help me with this

thats insane

How the hell did I miss this thread? Josh, that’s super cool!

WOW, nice work man! i never looked at this. real nice and real clean :tup: like it a lot

as always…awesome work.

good lord.

your projects never cease to amaze me with their thoroughness, quality, accuracy, and precision. Everything is simply just done correctly.

either that, or you just hide your mistakes really well… lol



can some one please help me with this


for the mustang with the tiger on it???

nice work man, very impressive :tup:

original idea to boot

wow. very very cool.


How the hell did I miss this thread? Josh, that’s super cool!


likewise, where did this thread come from? amazing work as always josh!