DIY: My LAST home project - staircase

So i’m moving to FL and my townhouse up here has been rented out. This was the last project I had planned before leaving.

The problem?
I couldn’t open my man-fridge in the garage. I could only get the door 1/4 open before the door would hit the stair/handrail that existed. I love my man-fridge, so i decided to make a set of stairs in the garage. (fridge is staying with the rental)

I was lucky to get a hold of some stair rails that were scrap:

cut them up and welded on a bunch of plate to box them in:

formed a handrail out of 1.5" tubing and welded in place:

painted black and added some polished aluminum diamond plate that i brake formed:

voila! anchored to the floor and in place:

now i can open the fridge and consume beverages without any hinderance.

Diamondplate makes everything better.

Awesome. Looking forward to you updating your new place in Florida.

That’s pretty damn cool. :tup:

Is that up to code with the hand rail on just one side?


problem is i’m renting in FL until i know exactly what area i want to live in. So i don’t forsee updating or changing anything there until i buy.

i don’t believe any handrail is required since below 3ft in elevation. It only came with one handrail when i bought the place, i just fabbed it on the other side. So technically, i don’t know…but i just know i made it better.

Disappointing title, but cool reuse of materials.
Kind of difficult to replicate since I doubt anyone else will be able to find scrap stair rails.
Suprised you didn’t powdercoat them or something more creative.

No 2x6’s unevenly bolted to drywall no care. :tdown:

LMAO…probably couldn’t find the blueprints

i have a bunch of finishing touches around the house to do still and that the wife has been bugging me to finish up… doing this for $0 on lunch breaks was the sell. I really wanted to get them powdercoated wrinkle silver to match the cabinets…but i just dont have the time before the move.


that’s pretty awesome!

Well since you are renting a house maybe there will be some new car mods?

Why not CF stairs???

^ There’s a roll of CF on the fridge in the first pic! does that count?

And the dumb question of the day - why didn’t you just move the fridge down 3"?

Holy overkill ! Why didn’t you hire that guy doing the handrailings in the loft apartment. Reminds be to check for updates.

lol i was going to say the same thing, should of just moved the fridge DUHHH :stuck_out_tongue:

the wall cabinets determined where the fridge was positioned… When i calculated all the dimensions, the fridge fit perfectly with the cabinets orientated that way…except i didn’t realize the fridge door requires an extra 4" to open.

plus, lets be honest here…i wanted to do it.

update: Since i had gotten a question about my tire rack.

I welded up some angle iron, painted it, and bolted it to the wall. simple storage.