DIY "Racing" chair

That’s cool.

Yeah that’s another thing. I’d rather just go with common stuff. Also that way I can just say I got the metal out of scrap if anyone even asks.

Dude, just stay during second shift whenever you need to make something.

hmmmm, I do have some old acura seats sitting in my garage…

nice now lets bolt that to the snowboard and have your roomate pull us around town!


pics coming… haha.

bs… you have my email… btw… i wish i had your camera here… :frowning:

I offered for you to take it…

p.s. I may be selling it soon.

fat broad tested? lolol

paulo doesnt do fat broads… lol… ummm… I was out on the boat alll day yesterday… needless to say I had quite a few spectacular photo ops… I digress though, my camera sucks…

where are the nudes dude… im waiting…

very nice, i like. you should sell them

The best thing would be standing up fast while the chair is still strapped to you. lol:P

Paulo disappoints me. no nudes…


Passed with flying colors, a few times. :wiggle:

multiple ladies?!?!?!?! cuz thats the TRUE test :-p