DIY: stealth V1 radar install

nice job…custom, custom.

Excellent work… :tup:

wow, you have a lot of potential :tup:



You should be on pimp my rides… And put microwaves into glove compartments, and cappacino machines in the dashboard.

Is there a way you could make my drivers seat a jacuzi? that would be pimp.

Thats a sexy install

nice write up. but y not a jammer?

you cannot legally have a radar jammer… period…

and if you get anywhere near DC w/ a jammer… :eek:

ughh fix your pics so i can show off ur work…

I have to talk to tpgsr (Mike), he was hosting them and i haven’t been able to get them back up.

lafengas when you sell this bimmer. make sure your title is: James Bond Bimmer! :wink:

how hard is it to change the L.E.D’s as you made them different colors. and where do you get those bulb covers and or how does that work?

They are ‘surface mount’ LED’s…which means you can’t throw covers on them. You need to actually replace them. To do this, you need 3 things:

1.) Tweezers
2.) Fine Point Soldering Iron
3.) Steady Hands

hmm im trying to do it for my car…3G eclipse. i want to custom fabricate it kind of like you to where it is in the dash but im not sure how i go about doing that.
also where do you get the led bubls from then? where did you order / pick yours up at?

do a search for “surface mount” LED’s. They don’t look like your typical LED’s, they are smaler, flatter, and square.

Whenever you sell this. I want it, ill just have to retag everything lol

??? any luck

no no luck for me… i don’t know how to do it… so i will just suffer with all red.