Stealth V1 wiring to some of the newer BMW stock radios

You all remember Lafengas’ DIY: stealth V1 radar install? Well I found something similar along those lines for the Bimmer/ Mini crowd while wasting time on the web. Check it out and discuss:

looks titties :tup:

if i had a bmw, and/or a v1 i’d be all about that

yeah, i saw that before I did my install. It is pretty sweet and quite stealthy. There are video’s of it too out there. My reason’s for not choosing that route…

a.)It’s not worth $300 to me (plus the cost of the V1)
B.)It’s not as fun as doing my DIY

u are teh DIY master

Mirror > the radio anyway…i hardly look at my radio when i drive… good post rick… makes me want a v1 and a new bimmer… :frowning:

Looks like it would be worth the $199 if you didn’t have to mount the unit somewhere in sight.


Damn, that would be kewl if they made a small display for alternate automobiles instead of :gay: BMW’s…

I would sport one if they made a small display like that with a different readout than the V1 remote display.

I totally agree, I dont understand the concept of having the additional display if you have to mount the V1 unit somewhere that it works well anyways? :shrug: Its retarded, Unless you can some how hide the original unit? Other than lafengas, I dont think I have seen anyone really do it and have an actual need for the optional display? I see it in mags all the time, with the thing installed in the wheel/dash or some shit and the Unit is right on the windshield… whats the point. Thanks for listening :smiley:


mine is up above my rear view mirror…and in my case putting the secondary display on my steering column seemed more logical as a place to look when i hear a bogey than tilting my head up and back a little bit. i am sure it varies from car to car, but for my car and my tastes i would rather keep looing forward and just shift my eyes down than have to tilt my head back and have to focus on something thats literally 8-10 inches from my face, where as the display is a good 16-20. i know it doesnt seem like a difference…but it is for my eyes anyways.
