DJ Am toxicology

How can this mixture be accidental?

Taken from

Meanwhile, a toxicology report released this week revealed that DJ AM’s recent shocking death at age 36 was the result of an accidental drug overdose–specifically a lethal cocktail of cocaine, OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Benadryl, and Levamisole–and was not a suicide as some had previously theorized. Hopefully these findings will bring both DJ AM and Michael Jackson and their respective families some peace, and will educate the general public about the dangers of mixing prescription drugs. Sometimes fame really does kill.And on that somber, cautionary note, thus concludes another week in music. Come back next Friday for more headspinning headlines, and have a wonderful weekend.

yikes… that’s quite a cocktail. i don’t understand how the article says that the family knowing that the death was self inflicted is any more comforting. look up the Penn toxicology report for another doosie.

might as well have been a suicide, stupidity.

Yep that sure does sound accidental

rough, shit is still pretty sad