Dj-Infinit's Silvia coupe

lol, do you guys say “on-eh-via” or “1-via”

No I call it a 240sx because it has a 240sx front… Even though it’s still a Silvia.

are playing stupid or you just are?

you know what i meant no need to be acting like my english teacher…

and pantallons do you want me repeat it for you?

lol a lot of guys here are asses so what if there are young guys here ?
mods should really lock it up

I’m not even going to bother with arguing man, go look for a JDM Onevia on ebayjapan and when you find one come and start a thread on son.

and that was an honest question. i call it on-eh-via but everyone corrects me. Like how i call a kouki

  1. cookie
  2. ko-u-ki
  3. kuuki

Originally Posted by Cal-SoY View Post
I’m beginning to think most new sonlings arent even old enough to watch R rated movies.


well djinfinity really isnt old enough to watch r rated movies lmao

Russkii, dont make your reputation here worse then it already is lol.

mmm cookies

please do

i’m not i’m just saying my opinion thats it…and yes i did make a maistake on pronouncing “onevia” i dont watch my fingers when i type

now this is a clean car

^^^yes it is

pshh all day everyday =D


ok im to lazy to read all this but i see SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many rust holes, let me come take a hammer to it

shawn says its HAMMER TIME


Pfft…thats not a clean car peter :wink:

that hacked together not evenafullsilviaconverstion 240sx with no re bar and fiberglass’d rustholed rockers its sweet, i wish i was out of public school for summer vaca and had no job living off my parents money to bulid an auto 1/4 silvia 1/4 rust 1/2 auto 89 jdm y0

damn me to!

to think the first thing i do to a car is the frame or make sure it has a frame… i need to learn…

i should swap to auto looks like autos where its at!

i so have a silvia to.

but i have a hatch with a 92 front… hummm

slap a silvia badge on that shit yo!! id by so jdm silva tyte yo.

maybe even a GTR then my car will be fas!!!

You niggaz dont know what you got coming to you… lol… I guess ill be taking this to far, well i wont but, ye… you get the point.

You guys are just fagets that think your the sh**. If you want to fight as much as i do lets do it…