.dll and virii help PLZ Comp Guru's!

Alright guys (fshowcars, s10blazedsi, showtime, whitey, etc…) who are good with computers.

I’m an novice when it comes to networking, interweb, firewalls, etc… I’ve read up quite a bit, but I’m still not close to being real good with this kinda stuff, I’m more into html and the such.

ANYWAYS, I’m having a hell of a problem with .dll popups on my desktop and what I think to be browser hijacks and virii. I have two .dll’s on my desktop… One is 125013.dll… It also has an .exe by the same name. It’s in a folder called “websiteviewer” that I’ve tried to delete, to no avail. I also have another .dll and .exe that is in the same folder that is 125078 filename.

I’ve also downloaded hijackthis, trying to edit the registry to get rid of these things, but I just can’t do it.

It’s really frustrating the shit out of me. Any help from you guys would be greatly appreciated.

is it an xp machine?

if so, try to boot into a different profile (diff username, instead of bravada log in as administrator) or create a new username with admin rights… then logon, browse to c:\documents and settings\bravada\desktop and then dump the files

also, start -> run type: msconfig and go to the start up tab… make sure no rouge dll’s or anyfiles are checked…

best bet is to get a program like pestpartrol or adaware and scan that shit.

report back .

Ok… I’m going to go into msconfig and see what kinda shit is in there, then run adaware and clean out the desktop.

and yes, it is an XP machine.

Be back at 1:25pm

i’m sure this is a ghetto fix, but this is what i did on my mom’s machine:

reformat + reinstall XP

create an admin account and a limited account

only use the limited account, except when you need to install something

use firefox exclusively. no IE. with security cranked as high as possible while still useable.

it’s ghetto to say the least, but it seems to work.

how is that ghetto? It seems perfectly logical. I never use the administrator account. Is’s wise to keep at least 1 good account in case you fuck something up.

not ghetto… good practice…

on my machines that i use full blown admin rights, i have firewalls and limited interweb access.

let us know bravada

Ok I’m back…

ShalerPunk - Thats a good idea. I’ll have to do that to all the machines in my office to try and limit some of the virii chasing I do on a semi-daily basis.

Okay, I got rid of some stupid looking things in the msconfig. Helped a bit, but I’m still getting the 125013.dll on the desktop. Ran ad-aware… I run it about twice a week… It found 25 or so problems, deleted em all.

Still having problems.

Now, I’m having pop up issues. I get a popup tha tsays “IExplore.exe - Application Error. blah blah, THe Memory could nto be written. Click OK to close”

Then I get a popup that says “Runtime Error 2 at 004046C3”

I also have a thing that popped up on the desktop, an icon that says “internet” with a chic looking at me as the picture… and the link to that is “internet.lnk” when I delete it… but it keeps coming back.

Argh, this is frustrating. I’m defenately doing the whole “limited account” thing as soon as I get this fixed.

try the microsoft anit spyware program. it also removes browser hijacks …

add remove programs and make sure shit isn’t in thurr.

create a new profile and see if it’s effected… then you’ll know sorta where the malicious files are located.

F8. boot to safe mode w/networking, update dat’s then scan w/ ad-aware yo. This allows the scanner to catch the ones that run hidden in the background, usually missed while running Windows in normal mode. Also clear out all your cache and temp files before you boot normal.

I created that alternate profile and the picture of the chic with the .dll was still coming up. Don’t know if that gives any clues.

I’m going to try the anti spyware shit, reboot into safe and do the ad-aware and hijackthis cleanouts, and see if it helps again.

Thanks a ton guys.

MS AntiSpyware, Spybot Search & Destroy, and Ad-Aware. Update them and run a scan in safe mode. That will fix a great majority of Spy/Ad ware and browswer HiJackers

I’m gonna have to agree with fshowcars and say to look in add/remove programs.

Do you have any antivirus program running and up to date?

I’ve ran a number of programs like adaware, spybot S&D, etc… in safe mode but they always seem to come back.

My anti-virus is relatively update, I think the last up date was mid-March… I need to do that again.

I get a feeling that I’m just going to transfer all the files on that computer that are worth a shit to one of the slave drives I have on our server, format the damn thing and then reinstall with XP Pro…

I’ll play with it more tomorrow at work, once again, thank you guys

:blue: this thing helped me alot.

YOu could always try safe mode to delete it… or see if you have any system check points to revert back to.

Start > programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore.

Take it back to a date you can remember… problem is alot of these system restores done get logged right by XP… if you can find one far enough back save anything you have saved on your desktop to a 2nd drive or something. Then restore it. Then create a restore point in the same place.

I just dont care, i dont run anything further then the hardware firewall and M$ antiSpyware, i dont even bother with antivirus shit. Adaware never did SHIT for me. When I would use IE for like a split second it would get all kinds of spyware. I only USE ie for my bank and thats about it.

Your last resort is Norton or some sort of bigger name anti virus software and run it in safe mode. Last resort, save shit to a 2ndary HDD and reformat.

Edit *damn i need to read whole threads haha. Your already trying what I said haha. Oh well.

Chick lookin at you = porn dialer. I don’t know how familiar you are with dos, but one thing you can do is before it gets to the Windows XP screen on startup is wail on F8, and goto safe mode command prompt only. From there, you can navigate to the folder, delete the contents, then delete the folder. Another thing i’d suggest is running Avast antivirus (www.avast.com) It’s free for home users, and it picks up most spyware even before it installs its sneaky self :slight_smile: