Not enough chatting about this stuff happening.

who all went to this…Cyr won again?

Briggs in the top 8?

who crashed? who didnt crash?

pics of hot chicks?

Well cyr took first again, second place dude wrecked hard. ryan(GTO) broke a knuckle i think or a tie rod.

justin was pulling some good drifts. Briggs either placed 7th or 8th. Pat Cyr won with his aggressive style as always. For the girls portion there were many that were hot and about 2 that were not.

Only gay thing i would say about st. estauche or w/e is the noise restrictions.

On that note also, I dont know how in a town much like anywhere in the gta they can have a pretty good track. Here in Ontario there is no dice.

Leaving the track on sunday it was just baller car after baller car.

Weekend was a blast, I enjoyed it and there is nothing better then heckling people downtown.

–I have terrible story telling skills :frowning:

well…there was a match between Justin and the wall…the wall won once again…pictures are coming as we just got home

What were the noise restrictions?

Congrats Pat!!!

We need more track time more seat time experence and skill is the key unless we are all (givin) 400+ hp cars then of course we can make lots of smoke! and power over every drift yippie!!!

Round two was an awesome weekend! the new judging system has definatley made the drivers step up! no more waiting for someone else to make a wrong move, Drivers really have to show there skill and ability to follow the lead cars line and the lead car has to make a really hard line to follow. After the past two rounds drivers are realizing more how things are working. But Congrats to Pat for first place again, and finally getting to go up against Matt Waldin!! keep showing the Quebec boys how its done :wink: and Congrats two Brad Carlton for making top 16!! unfortunatly all weekend brad was having some issues with his car but once he figured out what they were he was killer!! first tandom laps out he was put against Matt Waldin (Import Intelligence ) and going at it for a one more time!!! awesome job Brad!!

Not great pictures but…here ya go!

creeper shots ftw :smiley:

The beer girls were definitely the hottest ones that weekend.