DMV open tomorrow Saturday 4/15?

Is the Cheektowaga DMgay branch open tomorrow Saturday?

I’ll be pissed if they are closed because of this gay holiday…I need the ELEVENS on the road this weekend :slight_smile:

Anyone thats lives around this branch, please let me know


i hope so im serioslly thinkin about goin

since when are dmvs open on sat?

i was gonna go get my motorcycle permit today… and they were freakin closed ahhh…

monday i guess. glad i’m not the only one who ran into this today… good friday psht…

off to church i go.

cheektovegas is open sat 7am-1pm :smiley:

I dont know if open tomorrow bc of the damn holiday

yeah im wondering the same thing. im getting my ass up at 7 and going to get the R/T registered if it is.

They were fucking closed today…good thing I bought my truck at a dealer…TEMP tags 4 L!