DnBusters - NFSUG

Might go up thurr tonight, if anyone wants to meet up or somethin’…

im down, lets roll.

what time?

yea i might be up there. i still got credit’s left…

calling you out jack.

how do i get one of these cards!

Im going tonight, gonna be there around like 830ish

i’m broke… someone buy me a beer


sooner the better… like now.

That’s why you go AFTER 11PM, when it’s grown-ups only :wink:

lol a myspace meet

going in like 10 mins

Well then, I must be classified with those damn High School chicks then…

I remember walking in, and watching mommy pull up to pick her kids up and thinking, WTF am I doing here?

k, i smoked Dos.

1 out of 4…

for someone who doesn’t live the FnF life, I did pretty good :wink:

Haha I totally won him a race with my l33t NAAAWWWZZZZZ skills

They dont call me spray to park for nothing!