Battle Gear Anyone?

Well? Anybody play? I play it at Circuit Circus every time I’m at West Ed, nyar.

B-Wurm :smiley:

Battle gear is terrible. It’s all about Maximum Tune. Initial D is fun as well.

I have a Maximum Tune card, but I’m only there every couple of weeks or so, and all the Asian teens end up taking over and racing each other :lol:

Yeah that always pisses me off. And they race that rediculously long race. 60 K or something.

I remember my first time playing the game, I was just racing my friend and then two other guys challenged us. I ended up winning, so I got a free play. Then it was 3 other guys vs myself. I won again. This kept up for 40 minutes. They all had slightly modified cars, while I had stock. Towards the end they were ganging up on me so I wouldn’t win. Good times. :partyman:

What is this game you all speak of?
Sounds interesting

Maximum Tune and Initial D are too arcady, fun, but too arcady. I didn’t like Battle Gear at first either but the physics are very realistic and once I got the hang of it I was addicted.

B-Wurm :smiley:

Initial D yo I got all the Silvia sisters! hee hee!!! We should have a winter meet at Circuit City and have a hotlapping event on video games!! I just got a Maximum Tune card, Silvia S15. All my handles on those games are Neko…

Yeah I only play Maximum Tune for fun whenever I’m there and have the time. You can guess what car I picked, it’s not that hard to figure out :stuck_out_tongue:

That is actually a damn good idea. I’m all for it. Isn’t Neko Japanese for cat?

In maximum tune I have a R34 GTR, and in ID I have a 180SX. True ID and MT are very arcadey, but I don’t play video games for realism. If I want to feel like I’m driving, I go driving. Plus the memory card feature thing is ass kicking.

That is actually a damn good idea. I’m all for it. Isn’t Neko Japanese for cat?

In maximum tune I have a R34 GTR, and in ID I have a 180SX. True ID and MT are very arcadey, but I don’t play video games for realism. If I want to feel like I’m driving, I go driving. Plus the memory card feature thing is ass kicking.[/quote]

Yup, Neko = Cat in Japanese. We should all do it up! That’d be a good idea :partyman:

EDIT: refer here

That’s a good point. Although BG is the only place I can/have the balls to trail brake into a hairpin at 80km/h. :lol:

B-Wurm :smiley:
Oh, you’re Zephyr from beyond right? (Sig pic clued me in :stuck_out_tongue: )

Actually, no, I’m not. Infact, I’m not sure where I got that picture from, I just found it on my computer, found it humerous, and put it in my sig.

Oooooh hahaha. Zephyr’s a dude I’ve seen around on in the S13 forum. I believe he’s from the States, California to be specific.

B-Wurm :smiley: