Need an M16x1.5 adapter to whatever I can find (1/8" pipe preferred.)
Need this to get the car running. Advance Auto carries them (part number 6848 Equus fittings) but it’d take until next Friday to get them to my house.
Anyone know of anywhere I could get one? I’d really like to get the car on the road 
Here’s the kit Advance sells -
Just need the M16x1.5 though.
Tried Home Depot, Ace Hardware in North Versailles, Air & Hydraulic supply on 30 in North Versailles, RC Walter’s in Boston.
Haven’t tried Lowe’s, but they seem to carry all of the same stuff as Home Depot.
You’re my hero :love:
Here’s hoping it actually comes tomorrow!
McMaster-Carr has all sorts of unique, hard to find fittings.
Just don’t order with priority shipping unless you definitely want to pay for it. Their website doesn’t give you the chance to see the shipping charge first before approving it, they just bill you for it, no matter the cost. Yes, I found out the hard way, oh well.