do drift videos exsist???

in the stuntriding community teams put out 30-45min vids every year + sell merch ontop of doin shows for cash,

is that the same in the drift community? are there vids? if so which ones are the best?

lol sup corps… you gonna start making a video? and try selling them on internet? lol lol

buddy… only way it will sell is… if you have some chase scene in it… othere then that ill say it wont sell…

Haha. Shenanigans from stoney creek back in hamilton. Lots of chases.

SHHHHH!!! dont let the secret out!!!

They don’t make much money. Buy Drift Society 2 and upload the Koguchi footy.

PS I still am on back order for this DVD!!! WTF.


we ll just put some house of 1000 corps make up on you and call it a canadian ghost rida lol

ps: feint in motorcycle comunity… people do good by selling stuff, and being sponsered. look at that damn adreline crew… lol maybe im wrong… but hey for you to be there you gotta be a one crazy superdave dou :smiley:

I love the stunt riders in Mississauga. I remeber seeing two rip by 11 division over 120km doing wheelies. Then the 10+ bikers doing burnouts on the lawn, stairs, and walkway of 11 Division. They laid new sod and tried so fucking hard to stub the tire marks off, but you can still see them faintly. Any of you two hear word about it? I have had nothing but terrible experiences with 11 Division. If they can’t get tickets, major arrests, or if there isn’t a murder, those fuckers don’t want to police at all. Terrible to deal with, I can understand how they could piss off stunt riders enough to do that and a lot more.

i live right behind the 11 division but nope i havnt seen any bikes doing burn out lol thats some crazy shit.

It was during the day too lol. Man, we have had to cross paths somewhere. Are you sure you haven’t seen a purple and silver slammed kouki with 6K HID’s and red Advans around?Silvia aero, big exhaust, RB. We had to have crossed paths.

you sure you havnt seen my silver s600 and black rhd s13 wide body megan exhaust driving around?

but hey im in a 05 black civic with dealerplate on it now :smiley: honda woop woop

Deep dish gold mesh rims with silver lip on the widebody Silvia with stretched 205’s?

fuck, if you guys wanna set up a date then do it with PMs!!!