I’d say send him a brief message to make ammends. It sounds like your conscience (sp?) is telling you to do that anyways. Then no more contact with the psycho. Unless he’s got a hot sister.
Meh…make fun of him some more maybe he will off you and do us all a favor :tup:
Give him some candy.
All I can think of is the Dane Cook skit when he talks about the creepy guy in the office and he said make sure you are nice to him becuase one day if that guys come in and goes nuts, he might spare you and say “Thanks for the candy”.
i have nothing to offer this thread except for…
“did you see his balls?”
“yeah, they were weird.”
I might as well do it here.
I’m sorry for being an asshole to you. Please don’t shoot me
LOL The absolute first thing that came to my mind when i read this.
i think u should just keep making fun of him. its what u do best, especially on here
I would apologize, although I wouldn’t give him the opportunity to make you his new best friend. You would be surprised how much an “I’m sorry” can go from preventing someone from shooting you or taking their own life.
I ripped someone a new asshole here on NYS once and for some reason experienced regret. Later, I pm’d them apologizing for being a little too harsh. They didn’t react how I expected, kindly, and as a result I’ll never apologize again for talking shit.
I just wanted you to cuddle with me.
poker as in… Dealers choice? Holdem? Cash games?
no no no, you don’t get one without the other.
dinner & a movie
wine & cheese
rape & spit
well, you get the idea.
Any, normal weeknight game got cancelled, trying to get into a different one :carnut