Do I dare put the big wing on my car?

^actually thats pretty nice minus the graphics, rimz and smoked tails.

best spoiler posted so far…usually rk sport makes decent looking shit.

Wingless for sure. You need to find someone to swap with

My favorite so far.:thumbup

only thing this is missing is some ungerglow

That thing sucks. Gay ass Konig wheels, “drift” tires with the stupid ass colored rubber for colored smoke, stupid decal.

Thing sucks


get the big towl rack and call it a day.

I would go spoilerless or do that small trunk spoiler

either way u are a boy racer so u lose.

ps: i saw u drive by last night when i was bringing in the garbage can. next time beep of i will castrate u.

m3 rear lip :rofl


Nick actually has that on his S4…looks awesome.

I know but on a Cobalt…
…actually that might look good. :wierd

The m3 trunk lip is awesome. I don’t know how it would look on a cobalt though

no. gtfo of here.:shifty

that wing doesnt look bad, man. put it on if you like it.

That RK sport thing just made me puke in my mouth a little bit…

I think wingless + lowered = teh secks.

LMAO leo do you remember wat i said during the summer " I kinda liek those high wings on the ss"You shoudl get one!! " chris… "No there fuckin gay "

I say do it …

dont do the wing

I actually quite like the high rise on my car, I think the Cobalt looks kind of weird without it.