Do Not Call List

Telemarketers are now going to be calling cell phones. You can register your #'s here for the Do Not Call List here:

Didn’t they find a way around that do not call list?

Not sure…from what I hear if you get calls you can register a complaint and the company will get a fine.

they better not start calling my cell phone…

I see, i registered my number and my moms just in case. Thats very inconsiderate…people have minutes on cell phones and they want to bother with calling? Time to locate some call centers

Hell, I’m on a prepaid cell, myself, so that could get crazy. The way around it is non-profit organizations can still call you.

i have a thing that calls me once a month religiously… its middle easterners with an american name like KEVIN and they want me to refinance my house with them. so now i answer WALMART… how can i help you…

i get oh sorry wrong number

Well it looks like an Urban Legend about cell phones…but the old do not call list came out 5 years ago…so it would be good to re-register.

:bowrofl: thats great, i think if that happens to me i’ll go “China House how kan i help uuuuuuuuu” with an asian accent lol

i put adams, my parents, and my cell down just incase

:rofl: nice one mac

um, where the hell have you people been? They have been legally aloud to call for about a year now.

I did put myself on that 2 years in a row, once the 1st year expired i def saw more random calls from telemarketers, now that I joined that I dont get any.

Can we get a do not call/text list for Pittspeed





Hm. My house gets calls all the time, but not my cell phone… yet.