hey DAVE from DISHNETWORK STOP fucking calling me about dishnetwork stuff because i’m SICK of listening to hearing a computer talking to me… STOP.

these suckers will not stop calling me and in order to stop them you have to wait till there done talking to press 2.


Telemarketers are certainly persistent motherfuckers.

you gotta go online and fill out the do not call list.

But even then they find a loophole and call sometimes.

i duno man.

just ask them never to call again, and if they do you will report to the police, after calling once and telling them not to, they have stepped into a different ballgame, called harrasment

I did a Habeeb voice and said allaaa laaa laa I bomb you allaaa laaa laaa to one and they havent called back since. I forget what that one was for.

I told one of the car warranty scammers to never fucking call me again too.

If you get an actual tele-marketer who answers play cool. Tell them they’ve contacted a federal security number and to lose it right quick. They won’t call back(they’re skuuurred :lol ). Read that somewhere else and tried it. It’s worked for me so far on most places non-automated.

  1. List yourself on the Do not call list.
  2. Ask anyone who calls to remove you from their list --& Tell them if they do not remove you they are liable for an $11000 fine per phone call.
  3. If they play dumb, ask them for their first and last name --and then ask to speak to their supervisor. Ask the supervisor for their name --And the name of the telemarketing company. Remind them of the $11000 per phone call penalty.

The warranty calls are the worst. We have not idea where they are getting our customers info --but I am getting complaints all day long (One of my jobs is running our dealerships call center)

PS --Politicians, Surveys and not for profit groups are exempt. And please be nice if you actually get a person and not a recording.

AND if Dishnetwork keeps calling --Contact the FTC.

lol what is this pete? craigslist LOL ?

post this in craigslist next time, im sure dave from dishnetwork isnt reading here, hes probably reading the personals on craigs list

i like to ask them what their real name is since they cant seem to pronounce their name and then i ask them what time it is, when they tell me the wrong time i tell them wrong answer and hang up. I get probably 10 calls a day at the office from telemarketers.

see, the real telemarkertsers are ok cuz i bust there stones and waste their time but the computer ones are thes that piss me off… oh and the warranty guys call my cell too :umm

mine too.

I get texts for Viagra on my cell as well

I get nothing cause I signed that no call list

ok, wheres this no call list smarty?

would you like me to imput your information for you too?

WOW, it’s really that much of a fine for them?!?! :eek Yeowsars!!!


Yup --either AT&T or Verizon got nailed a couple of years after the list came out. Big fine.

Of course there other exceptions too. If you do business with a company they can call you for 18 mos since your last purchase --or 3 mos from an inquiry about potential business.