"Heads up" Cellphones and Telemarketing

I dont know the exact date, but within the next month… cellphone numbers will be released for telemarketig and you will start recieving sales calls. YOU CAN BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS!

To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 1-888-382-1222. You must call from the cell number you want to block. It is the government’s national “do not call” list. You can also register at www.donotcall.gov It only takes a moment and blocks your number for 5 years.

The thought of being inconvienced and possibly shelling out money to recieve these calls so somebody can sell me something i do not want really pisses me off. Just a heads up.

Thanks a bunch. I already recieved a couple calls, so this ain’t BS.

+eleventy karma

I miss telemarketers ever since I went strickly cell. I can’t wait to start harrassing them again.

TM: “I’m calling you to…”
me: “Yeah, how the fuck do you get blood out of carpet?”


me: “OMG!!!, Hold on my dog is peeing on the floor.”

personally, i prefer…

“OMG!!!, Hold on I’M peeing on the floor!”

telemarketer: Hi. This is (some mother fucker) and I’d like to sell you some shit!
me: well, I’m on top of a building, about to jump off to kill myself. So if you want to get me to buy something, you’d have to prevent me from killing myself first. What do you got?

They’re guaranteed to never call again. lol

i always say “Sorry, I’m on the shitter right now. Thanks anyway.”

I just hang up

thanks :tup: Is done

That’s no fun.

TM and my mother ( only on my b-day and holidays ) are the only people that call me… it is that “friends” thing that i have been working on since o… about 5 years old.

but t-up for the info.

My buddy does a good job of pretending to be a special ed person when they call and the few times i’ve witnessed it, it was hilarious.

how the fuck are they getting cell phone numbers…its bullshit

done and done

Thanks for the heads up. I can’t stand the thought of being bothered with these fucking telemarketers and having to pay for it too.

This is soooo bogus… just go here http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/cell411.asp

classic old routine:

caller: hello sir, i’d like to tell you about blah blah blah blah

me: (listens for like 30 secs, then interjects with) hey tell me something, what are you wearing? [chika chika bow wow] YEAAAAH.

they usually shake it off if you only say it once so i’ll insist that i HAVE to know, or i’ll start describing what i’m wearing lol. :lol:

they always hang up.

anyway i think i did register already, but i’m hoping it’s bogus…

I was going to post the same thing… this is a bad hoax, and is no way true. FCC Federal Law PROHIBITS telemarketers from calling cell phones, and infact if they due, you can sue them in small-claims court for up to $500 for each occourance.

Trust me, if one calls, just inform them they are calling a cell phone and they will hang up very fast.

Interesting… But what’s the motivation for this information if it’s not true? I didn’t think ‘anybody’ could register a .gov website. (I still don’t think you can).



That website is legit, it is the national do not call. This is right from the site however:

What Phone Numbers Can I Register?

  1. Can I register my cell phone on the National Do Not Call Registry?

Yes, you may place your personal cell phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry. The registry has accepted cell phone numbers since it opened for registrations in June 2003. There is no deadline to register a home or cell phone number on the Registry.

You may have received an email telling you that your cell phone is about to be assaulted by telemarketing calls as a result of a new cell phone number database; however, that is not the case. FCC regulations prohibit telemarketers from using automated dialers to call cell phone numbers. Automated dialers are standard in the industry, so most telemarketers don’t call consumers on their cell phones without their consent.